My brother sprung the kingdom on his partner last minute, and it almost killed her. I wanted to make sure she knew everything before I physically made her mine.

I didn’t want her to hate me.

We kissed one more time, and then I obligingly ate the food she’d laid out for me.

“This is great.” I didn’t mean to sound surprised.

“I’m glad you like it.” She was smiling, pleased at my response. “What did you ask about heights for?”

“I’m a dragon shifter.” I kept my voice level so she wouldn’t panic.

Humans were known to think dragons were evil, and wrongly so.

Real dragons died out from generosity and their trust of humans and non-dragon shifters. They were hunted for their hoards for centuries. The few that remained were killed as humans spread terrible myths and rumors. Some of those rumors persisted today, affecting dragon-shifter folk, but at least we had the money and resources to keep ourselves protected.

“A dragon shifter?” She sounded confused. “I thought those were supremely rare.”

“We are,” I nodded.

She went quiet for a second and then bit her bottom lip in thought.

“So, you’re offering to fly me around?”

I smiled; glad she was smart.

“I wasn’t sure whether you’d believe me unless I showed you.”

“I believe you!” she said, fixing her wide eyes on mine. “Today just doesn’t feel real is all…. It’s like I’m dreaming.”

“I promise you today’s real,” I answered, swooping down with another kiss. Our lips went so well together.

Within half an hour, including another pause to make out, we were in the garden behind her home. She only seemed to own half of it, and what she did own was small. I tried not to judge. There were people who would call royals like myself a leech. We had it all, but at the expense of others. A large part of me agreed with that.

The rest of me knew that tradition reigned supreme, and as the middle child of the royal cousins, I didn’t have much way of changing this.

“If you need me to slow down or come back down to the ground, shout it and I’ll do it,” I urged. I didn’t want to scare her; I wanted to excite her.

I stripped slowly, showing off my arms and chest since I’d noticed her eyes lingering on them the longest. Olive bit her bottom lip thoughtfully, and it egged me on.

“What happens if you don’t strip first?” she asked.

“My clothes rip, or explode, and then I’m stuck naked until I can get other clothes,” I explained. There was a gleam in her eyes, and I knew what it meant.

She was into me.

Every little confirmation felt like it was adding up into something huge.

Removing the last of my clothes, I showed off for less than a second before I shifted into my dragon form. It was like breathing air after being underwater. I felt free again.

She took a step back, not far, and I could feel her eyes roaming over me.

“Oh my God,” she whispered.

I felt proud, excited to show off for her.

Bending down, almost bowing, I tucked my wings aside to allow her to mount me. This position would have been humiliating for anyone besides a fated mate.

She could ride me however she wanted.