
It was unreal being back at the castle by my own wishes.

If I’d pressed the issue enough, I’m sure he would have let me stay at my apartment, and yet the castle felt like home in a way. It was where I got to know him other than as some horrible man. He’d changed so quickly for me.

By the time I arrived back in Crystal Glass, it was nearly midnight.

I knew that I needed to sleep, but not knowing felt like murder.

Servants led me back to his room, and I changed into my pajamas before climbing into his huge and luxurious bed. I had to have faith in Rhuron. He was strong, smart, capable. There was no way he’d put himself into a situation he couldn’t handle. Sure, Tierner was also a dragon shifter, but Rhuron seemed confident in himself.

I left the lamp on as I pulled the comforter up and over myself.

If I could just fall asleep, he’d probably be there before I woke up. I loved the idea of waking up with him at my side. There was so much I still didn’t know about Rhuron. What kind of ruler was he? Did he believe in equality and wealth for all of his subjects? Did he understand what it was like for the servants stuck working for him?

Also, important, was he a cuddler?

I smiled at the thought and breathed deeply against a pillow that seemed to radiate his sweet and warming scent.

Eventually, I drifted off into a deep and dreamless sleep.

The sun woke me up as it trickled through the window like drops of lemonade as the sun moves around the wall. I rolled over, trying to remember where I was. This wasn’t my apartment; the sheets were far too nice. My brain had to work backwards through my memories until I was finally awake enough to reach out across the sheets.

The bed was empty besides me.

Feeling let down and a little nervous, I slipped out of bed and quickly showered and dressed. Hopefully, he was back and just didn’t want to wake me. I could forgive that much. My stomach growled as I pulled on my shoes, and as though I summoned them with my mind, a couple of servants appeared round the door.

“Breakfast,” one said as she carried in a large and round silver tray.

“Coffee?” the other asked.

“Yes, please,” I nodded. “Do you know any news of Rhuron? Has he come back yet?”

The women exchanged a very quick look.

“Nothing yet, although we’re not told much,” the second one said as she filled a mug with coffee.

“Don’t worry, though, he’ll be fine,” the first one added. “You know how reckless the men here can be.” She laughed and then stopped quickly. “Please don’t tell anyone I said that about the oldest prince,” she blurted.

“You’re fine, I’m not going to rat anyone out,” I replied. The first one pulled the lid off the tray and set it down on a small table with a chair near the window. There were three plates: one with French toast and endless fruit, one with eggs Benedict, and the third was some strange dish that looked like rice pudding. “I’ll just have the toast,” I said.

“Oh, they’re all yours — eat as much or as little of any of them,” she explained, setting up the silverware.

“I couldn’t eat all of this,” I gasped.

“You don’t have to.” The second one laughed.

“Would you two like to join me?” I was secretly desperate to make more friends within the castle.

“No,” the first said quickly. “We’re more than grateful for your invitation, but we have tasks to complete before noon,” she explained. I nodded, and within moments they were already leaving. Who could I ask for information on him? I just wanted to know that Rhuron was alright, I didn’t want to have to worry about him.

I only ate a little, feeling guilty and wasteful, which only lowered my appetite more.

Was every meal going to be like this? Should I just expect to be offered way more food than I could ever eat? On one hand, it was nice to be considered like this, but on the other, I felt like I was taking advantage of everything. Some of these women who served me may have been born into the same family as the men who ruled the kingdom.

It felt unfair that I lucked into such luxury.