“Maybe I’ll just pull out your mate since you won’t,” he laughed. “She’s obviously fertile, why waste her on someone who can’t do what’s needed?”

All niceties were out the window.

“You lay a hand on her, and I’ll remove that hand from your arm,” I spat quickly. The room went quiet fast. I was furious that he’d even think he could joke about that, and then have the gall to look surprised at my reaction.

“Rhuron.” My brother Rhaef nudged my arm to calm me down. “Keep your head straight.”

I breathed deeply, calming the urge to fight my cousin. How dare he say such things about my mate. It didn’t matter if she was locking herself away and being dramatic. She was mine. He didn’t deserve her.

“Will all of the mates be like this? I don’t have the patience.” Tierner seemed to ignore the tension in the room.

“We’ll see. For now, I’m going to return to her. She’s probably waking up.”

“Alright, brother, keep us updated,” Rhaef nodded.

I never lost my temper in meetings, and as soon as I walked out of the room, I was embarrassed by my behavior. Since when was I this possessive? Just the thought of him breathing the same air as her pissed me off, much less what he was implying.

I had to keep her safe. Until I’d mated her and claimed her, she was not.