“I just walked in here and found another man trying to steal my lady,” Drew said. “I need some reassurance. So sue me.”

“How’s this for reassurance?” Jenna wound her arms around his neck and kissed him.

Reality shifted on its axis, like it always did when they touched. Desire flared up, hot and immediate. She wrapped her leg around his legs and braced herself, her breasts pressing against his tux shirt. Melting for him, straining to get closer. Locked in a breathless kiss.

Jenna lifted her head when she felt cool air on her bare back. He’d undone some of the hooks of her dress. She pulled away, laughing and shaking her head. “Oh, no you don’t! You’re not getting my clothes off any place where people could burst in on us. Never again. I haven’t even processed the trauma from the last time.”

He looked around, and pulled her into the bathroom, flipping the door lock and switching on the light. Two soft-focus lights from wall sconces lit the flesh-toned marble of the bathroom. She was so beautiful, her eyes dazed, cheeks pink, red lips softly parted as he hoisted her up onto the wide sink, pushing up the big, rustling armfuls of midnight blue taffeta until he found her hot, smooth skin above the thigh-high stockings.

He slid his hands higher, to the tender, secret flesh. Stroking her with teasing fingertips, making her melt and writhe and press his hand against herself, demanding more.

He sank down to his knees, pushing taffeta out of his way and tugging her small blue satin thong panties down. He pressed his mouth to her tender secret folds.

Her hot, sweet taste was intoxicating. He could never get enough. The way she opened to him like a flower, and then melted into shivering pleasure, coming for him. A long, strong, lingering climax that made him feel like a god.

He held her there for a few minutes until the aftershocks gave way to the shimmering glow, and that was as much as he could stand. He needed her...right...now.

He rose up, unfastening his pants, and scooped up her legs, draping them over his arms. Her hands clutched at his shoulders, fingernails digging in as he eased himself slowly, insistently inside her.

She was exquisitely ready. She took him so deep. Every liquid, sliding stroke was unbearably perfect. She’d forgotten the rest of the world existed, and he was glad, because he loved those breathless whimpering sounds she made, until that deep, sensual pulsing rhythm of his thrusts made them shake apart.

He pulled slowly, reluctantly out of her, leaning his damp forehead against hers. Awestruck, like always.

He set her gently on the floor before he tucked his shirt back into his pants.

“Staking your claim much?” she asked shakily. But there was breathless laughter in her voice.

Drew took his time in responding, washing his face in the sink. “If that’s what I was doing, expect me to keep doing it. I’ll stake my claim every chance I get.”

His phone buzzed in his pocket. A text from Zack.

Someone threw a rock through a window in the Azalea Room while they were setting up the dessert buffet. They’re moving the buffet to the Rose Room.

“There’s a situation downstairs,” he said. “I need to check it out.”

“I’ll take a minute to put myself together,” Jenna said. “See you back in the ballroom?”

“Yeah.” He gave her a long, possessive kiss, then stepped back to watch as she smoothed and shook down her skirt. She started fixing her makeup. She was so damn gorgeous. It blew his mind.

Jenna slanted him an amused look. “Didn’t you have someplace to be?”

Damn.“Yeah, guess so.” He forced himself to back out. Closed the door after himself.

Kissing her had knocked Zack’s message right out of his mind.

Being in love made it hard to concentrate.