“It was a mistake,” Rupert said. “Getting involved with Kayleigh, I mean. I got carried away. It was an illusion. All lust and hormones. I just didn’t realize who she really was.”

It took all her self-control not to roll her eyes. “Really? What tipped you off?”

She immediately regretted the question, because Rupert didn’t get the irony. “She had an affair,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion. “Just days after our wedding. With the yoga instructor. At the honeymoon resort.”

Jenna managed somehow not to laugh and tell him that karma was a bitch. “That’s awful,” she said. “How disappointing.”

“I knew you’d understand.” Rupert’s eyes were soulful. “I have no right to say this, after what happened, but you are just...radiant tonight. I’ve never seen you look so beautiful.”

Compliments from Rupert made her uneasy. She shifted back a step. “Um. Thanks.”

“It’s so strange. Almost as if it took that stupid, squalid adventure with Kayleigh to actually be able to see you clearly, for what you are. The contrast between you and her, you know? It’s like, I never saw you... And now I’m dazzled. A veil has been lifted.”

Jenna was horrified. “Rupert, don’t.”

“Please, let me finish. You’re the only one for me. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure that out. I’m so sorry I ever let you down.”

Jenna backed away from him. “I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but I’m involved with someone else right now,” she said cautiously. “I mean, seriously involved.”

“Yes, and that’s another thing.” Rupert’s voice took on that maddening tone it got when he decided to school her about something. “I know you might be dazzled by Drew Maddox. He’s rich and famous, and all that. But I’ve heard stories—”

“Hold it right there. I’m not interested in hearing sleazy gossip about my boyfriend, and from you, of all people. Just don’t.”

“He’ll be unfaithful to you,” Rupert informed her.

Amazing, that he could say it with a straight face. “Are you listening to yourself?”

“Of course I am,” he said huffily.

She realized, with a flash of understanding, that had been the problem all along. He listened to himself only. That was the difference between him and Drew. One of the many. Drew actually heard what she said. Rupert never had.

“You cheated on me with Kayleigh, and you dare to preach to me?” she said.

“I learned from my mistakes,” Rupert said loftily. “And I suffered for them. I doubt very much that Drew Maddox will. From what I read, he’s not even capable of—”

“Shut up, Rupert,” she said. “I don’t want to hear about your mistakes, or your suffering. And don’t say a word about Drew.”

“I’m sorry to distress you, but you have to face the facts,” Rupert said, in lofty tones. “Truth hurts, Jenna.”

“So does a broken jaw.”

Drew’s voice sounded from behind them, low and soft with controlled rage.