“Lunch is the thing, I’m afraid. An early one, with Bev and her lady friends from the Bricker Foundation. Some of whom may have seen me wrapped around you in my bra last night, so I think I should change my clothes and freshen my makeup before I face them. Plus, I am desperate to get these contacts out and put my glasses back on.”

He grinned. “I love your glasses.”

She kissed him again. “Good,” she said. “That is extremely lucky for you.”

“Dinner, then?” he asked hopefully.

She was floating now, and couldn’t even control the smile that seemed wrapped all the way around her head. “Dinner,” she agreed. “We’re on. Text me the details.”

“Will do.” He tugged the comforter off his lap, displaying his erection, in all its glory. “All the details,” he agreed. “For your viewing pleasure. Nothing held back.”

She looked him over appreciatively, biting her lip. “You’re making this really hard, Drew,” she murmured.

“I think that’s my line,” he said, and then cut off her giggles with a kiss that sent a fresh jolt of aching sexual hunger through her body. In no time, she was stretched out on the bed, feet dangling off, arms wound around him. Oh, that seductive bastard. Out of nowhere, she was a breath away from pulling her clothes off and leaping on him again.

But she pulled back, breath hitching, face red. Play it cool. Keep it light.

“You’re so bad,” she said, her voice unsteady. “Enticing me.”

“I can’t help myself. How am I supposed to make myself respectable for work with a hard-on like this?”

She shrugged. “Don’t know, but I just heard my phone beep with a message, so the car is probably waiting out there. You’re on your own with that dilemma. Poor you. Maybe I can help you brainstorm possible solutions for that problem tonight at dinner. If you’re good.”

“Cruel, heartless Jenna. I promise, I’ll be good.”

The car service SUV was waiting in the driveway, and the driver had a long-suffering look on his face, as if he’d been there for a while. When she got in, her phone started beeping almost immediately. Messages coming in, one after the other.

She pulled her phone out of the evening bag. From Drew.

miss you already

can’t wait for dinner tonight

wasn’t ready for the night to be over

It was a painful inward struggle to keep herself from telling the driver to turn right around and take her back. She could not make a fool of herself and get all goofy about him. Just. Could. Not.

She tapped in same but then the emoji menu beckoned. Should she add a smiley face, a kissy face, heart eyes, a throbbing heart? Fruits and vegetables? Damn.

Keep it restrained,she reminded herself. Dignified. Not goofy.

She finally went with it was a wonderful night. No emojis.

my pillows smell like your perfumehe responded.

Oh, God, he was killing her. She scrolled down the emoticon menu again. Picked out a single flower emoji, and sent it. Restraint. Restraint was everything.

Then she sat there, face red, heart thudding. Toes curling in her shoes. Waiting like a lovesick ninny for his response. It didn’t take long.

aloof and mysterious as always

The driver gave her a doubtful look in the rearview as she laughed out loud.

hardlyshe replied, and then added three flame emojis and a lipstick kiss.

After a moment, going for a run to burn off excess energy. text you after.

She wished she could see Drew Maddox running. That big, sleek, stunning body in motion, bounding along, radiating heat, all flushed and sweatily gorgeous.