He carried her down the long corridor, toward his bedroom. “My bedroom.”

She wound her fingers into the fabric of his shirt collar and tugged it. “Wow,” she whispered. “How masterful and ravishing of you.”

“Do you go for that?”

“Sure, if it’s you.”

Good. He nudged the door to the master bedroom open with his foot. His bedroom was very large and sparsely furnished, everything in it subservient to the view. Two enormous windows looked out over Lake Washington, the waving trees and garden. The light filtering in from outside was just enough to make the bamboo floor planks gleam and dimly illuminate the low, enormous bed.

Drew carried Jenna over to the bed and laid her down, climbing on top of her. Covering her slender body with his own.

She said she trusted him to let himself go, and he was taking her at her word.