Jenna placed her hands over his. Not stopping them, just covering them. Pressing them closer to her. He leaned down, kissing her shoulders. Nudging the beaded strap of her gown until it fell off one shoulder. Then the other. He was slow. Persistent.

His pulsing erection was pressed up to her backside, and she leaned back against him, welcoming the contact. Inviting his touch, with that dreamy smile on her face.

It was getting more and more difficult to keep this slow. His hands shook, but he soldiered on. He found a stray hairpin trapped in one of her ringlets during his nuzzling kisses, so he took a moment to sort through her hair and pull out all the pins, setting that halo of wild ringlets loose. “I like it best when it’s like this,” he said. “Free and wild.”

“Getting wilder by the second,” she murmured. “The way you kiss me makes me crazy.”

“That’s how I want you to feel,” he said. “I want you primed.”

“That’s how I want you, too.”

“Not an issue. Done deal. I’ve been in that primed state pretty much since you first kissed me in the elevator.”

She looked back at him, the mix of colors in her eyes hypnotically beautiful. Then she straightened up and turned around to face him, shrugging the bodice of her dress down until it was hanging off her hips.

She shook back her hair, holding his gaze with a blaze of sexy challenge in her eyes as she reached behind herself and undid the clasp of her bra.

She let it drop, and stood there, shoulders back. Displaying herself. The color in her cheeks was high. Her lips parted, breath coming fast. But her hands still shook.

Her breasts were so beautiful. High, full and soft, with tight dark pink nipples, and her skin was so fine-grained and smooth and perfect. The chill in his house had given her goose bumps but her chest had a pink blush that matched the one on her cheeks.

He wanted to lunge for her like a ravenous animal. Easy does it.

Drew placed his hands on her waist. A tremor went through her at the contact, then another as his hands slid slowly upward, over her rib cage. Under her arms.

He cupped her breasts, almost reverently. “You are spectacular.”

“I’m still waiting for the spectacle to begin. You certainly do keep a girl waiting.”

“I’m trying not to rush it,” he said. “We’ll never get this first time back. I want the memory to be perfect.”

Her smile sent fire shooting through every part of his body. “Really? Wow. I had no idea you were so sentimental.”

“Neither did I,” he admitted. “That thought has never passed through my mind before in my life. Only with you.”

Her eyebrows went up. “Well, then,” she murmured. “I am honored to be the one to have sparked an original thought in your head.”

He gave her a narrow look. “I’m not sure quite how to take that.”

She laughed at him. “You don’t have to take it at all. I’m just messing with you.” She reached up to deftly loosen his bow tie, then she started in on the buttons of his shirt, sliding her hand inside to caress his chest. “The way I feel right now, we couldn’t make anything but amazing memories. Relax. Let yourself go. I trust you.”

He knew she was just talking about sex, but the rush of emotion her words gave him made him throb and burn. Her hands moved over his chest.

“Just one quick thing first,” she said hesitantly. “I don’t carry condoms around in my evening bag, so...”

“I have some,” he assured her.

“Good. That’s a relief. But since we’re on the subject, let’s just power through this part all at once. I got myself tested for everything under the sun a few weeks ago, after I found out that Rupert was cheating on me. Thank God he didn’t give me anything. I’m in the clear, just so you know.”

“Thanks for bringing it up. Me, too. Just got tested myself, and I’m all good.”

“Excellent,” she said, undoing another button, and then another, spreading his shirt and murmuring in approval at what she found. “In that case. I have a contraceptive implant. So... We could just dispense with the latex. If you’d like.”

Liked? The idea of no latex with Jenna made him dizzy. “Dream come true.”

“Great,” she murmured, leaning forward to kiss his chest. “So... Do you mean to do the deed right here in your foyer? I wouldn’t mind, since it’s all so beautiful—”

He scooped her up into his arms. She made a startled sound. “Whoa! The hell?”