She let out a startled squeak as Drew pulled her against himself and kissed her.

It was electrifying. His breathless urgency. His hard body, muscles taut, shaking with emotion. The shining thrill racing through her, the ache of hunger in her body, always a constant smolder, but when he touched her, it flared into a bonfire.

Jenna wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into him. Kissed him back with everything she had. Ravenous for the delicious heat of his mouth as a new world of emotions and sensations opened up inside her.

Drew maneuvered them down onto an antique love seat, pulling her down onto his lap and kissing her bare shoulder with desperate tenderness. The beaded straps of the dress slid down, and the top of the lacy cups of her strapless bra were showing. Drew made a rough, tormented sound in his throat and pressed his face against them. Both of them moaned at the sweetness of it. The warm tenderness of his lips was an intoxicating sensation, kissing her, nuzzling her. His arms were so strong. Everywhere he touched her touched off a rush of delight. He stroked her back.

“Oh, God. So hot and soft,” he murmured. “So smooth. You’re killing me.”

She settled right over that hard, unyielding bulge of his erection and leaned down to kiss him again. The bodice of the dress was slipping down but his hands stroking her bare back felt so good, and his hot kiss was so searching and seductive.

The doors squeaked, and a swell of noise behind them made them both freeze and turn. Drew’s body went tense beneath her.

Uncle Malcolm, Hendrick, Bev, Harold, Ava, Ernest, eyes popping, mouths agape, and a dozen more people stood right behind them, pushing, craning. On tiptoe. A hum of shocked murmurs, embarrassed giggles.

“Oh, my God.” Jenna struggled with her neckline, tugging it back up over the cups of her strapless bra before sliding off Drew’s lap and onto her feet.

“Out! Everyone get out!” Uncle Malcolm shouted, but there was no possible retreat for the people in the doorway. The crush of gawkers pressing up behind them blocked their escape. Harold’s face was a cold mask. Ava’s smile was conspiratorial. Like she was in on the joke.

Except it wasn’t a joke. It never really had been.

Bev smirked at her husband. “Well, Hendrick, that looks pretty sincere to me, wouldn’t you say? I think I won this bet. Better get ready to pay up.”

Hendrick just peered at them, his thick eyebrows knitted together like he just couldn’t figure out what was going on.

Not that Jenna was doing much better, when it came right down to it.

“Get back!” Malcolm bawled. “All of you! Out! Damn it!”

Jenna finally got her dress straightened and slid her shoe back on. She scooped up her beaded evening bag from where it had fallen on the carpet. “That’s my cue,” she murmured to Drew. “Time to disappear.”

“With me,” Drew said swiftly. “Only with me.”

She looked into his eyes, and promptly forgot that people were watching them. The longing in his eyes called out to her, a sweet pull so strong, not even public humiliation could quench it. It just raged on and on, wanting what it wanted.

“Yes,” she said. “Let’s disappear together.”

His eyes flashed, and his warm hand closed around hers.

Malcolm overheard them. “That would be best, since neither one of you seems to be capable of any self-control,” he snarled. “For the love of God, go! Let me try to salvage what’s left of my company’s image.”

“Don’t be grumpy, Uncle.” Ava was still trying not to smile. “Everyone loves it, and you know it.”

“Enough, Av,” Drew said. “Dial it down to zero.”

“Me?” Ava’s chin rose. “I’m not dialing anything. I’m not doing a damn thing, bro. You two are doing it all on your own. But it would be a shame to stop now when everyone’s having so much fun, don’t you think?”

“We’re out of here.” Drew slid his arm around Jenna’s waist and made for the crowd of people who blocked the doors. “Make way.”

The steely quality in his voice made people actually shuffle backward. Jenna’s face burned as they forced their way through, but Harold’s cold eyes chilled her as she passed. She could feel the anger emanating from him.

People tried to speak to them, but she couldn’t follow what they were saying. Drew ignored them, sweeping them both onward through the press of people and down the stairs, toward the coat check desk. He helped her slip her coat on. “You’re shaking,” he said as they made their way toward the exit. “Put on my coat. It’s heavier.”

“Not from the cold. I’m actually kind of hot,” she said, as they went out the door.

The cold, damp night air felt good against her feverish face.

“Where’s your car?” he asked.