
“Stop bugging me, Av,” Jenna said testily. “My black-and-white gown will be fine for the presentation dinner. It looks good on me. It was expensive. We do not need to shop for another damn dress. End of story.”

Ava picked a hunk of artichoke out of her salad and popped it into her mouth. “Sorry to contradict you, but you are so very wrong.”

“Why? Why shell out all this money? My closet is full of nice clothes.”

“You’re being difficult just to be difficult. That dress is old, and done.” Ava rolled her eyes at Drew. “Drew, tell your lovely fiancée that she needs a gorgeous new evening gown for the exhibit dinner at the Whitebriar Club, okay?”

“Of course she needs a new evening gown.” Drew’s voice was offhand. “And this is a Maddox Hill event, so it’s only fair you let me pick up the tab for it. I’ll give you my credit card. Knock yourselves out. Send me hot photos from the fitting room.”

Jenna tried not to flinch. She stared down at her seafood salad, which she’d barely touched. Drew had been like that with her all morning. Pleasant. Polite. And completely emotionally absent.

They’d done yet another interview this morning with a podcast whose online audience was growing fast. The latest of many PR events. Too many. Ava’s punishing schedule was exhausting her. The idea today had been to grab an early lunch before everyone went back to work, but Drew’s friendly, indifferent blandness had killed her appetite.

She just...freaking...hated it. With all of her heart and soul. And she had no one to blame for it but herself.

“I’m putting my foot down,” she said through her teeth. “No new dress.”

Ava made a frustrated sound.

“Save it, Av.” Drew signaled the waiter for the check. “It’s not a good time to discuss it. Obviously.”

“Oh, whatever.” Ava shrugged, her face rebellious. “But hey. Big news.” Ava’s voice was elaborately casual. “We heard from the producers of Angel Ascending.”

Jenna put down her fork, her nerves buzzing with alarm. “You did?”

“Yes. They want to feature Michael in the ad campaign for next year’s game.”

Jenna sucked in a sharp breath and gazed at Ava’s triumphant face, heart thudding hard. “Careful, Av,” she said. “I don’t want him exploited. He’s just a kid.”

Ava sighed. “And here I thought you’d be excited at how my hard work is doing marvels for raising your organization’s profile to stratospheric heights. Silly me.”

“I think you’re amazing at what you do, don’t ever doubt it,” Jenna said. “But you’re doing your work too well. And I’m scared for Michael.”

“Don’t worry,” Ava soothed. “Joyce and I will both defend him like a couple of pit bulls. It would be a nice chunk of change for his college fund, right? Stanford, MIT, am I right? This is all good, Jenn. Be excited for him. And for Arm’s Reach. This is great for his future, and it’s great for you, too. Michael will be fine. He’s strong, and smart.”

“But I wanted him to get back his normal life,” she said. “Everyday stuff. Not some high-stress, high-visibility situation where people are constantly trying to use him.”

“Oh. You mean, like you?” Ava’s voice was crisp. “Are you tired of the limelight, Jenn? Do you think we’re using you?”

Jenna locked eyes with her friend...and swallowed the sharp reply that Ava did not deserve. She shook her head. “I’m just tired,” she said.

“I know, and I’m sorry about that, but buck up. Be strong. Oh, by the way. Speaking of good things. Roddy told me that he has a gig tonight. He’s filling in for the Vicious Rumors’ drummer down at the Wild Side. All weekend, starting tonight.”

“Yes, he texted me about that,” Jenna said. “I’m going to try to catch the first set tonight.”

“Alone?” Drew’s eyes snapped to her. “At the Wild Side? In that part of town?”

“It’s fine,” she said. “I’m going to the early set. It’s a hip, busy neighborhood.”

“You can’t go down there all alone.” He sounded horrified.

“Certainly I can,” she told him. “I don’t mind going alone, and I’m sure—”

“No way. I’ll take you. Want me to get you at the lab, or pick you up at home?”

Jenna just looked at him, bewildered. “Drew. Don’t feel like you have to do this. I’m sure you have better things to do with your evening.”