“Video games relax me,” he said, defensively. “They’re a great de-stressor.”

“Dude. Don’t even try to make her understand.” Michael’s voice sounded world-weary. “If she doesn’t game herself, she just won’t get it. They all just say, ‘Oh, you’re rotting your brain,’ or ‘Oh, you’re wasting precious time that you’ll never, ever get back,’ blah-blah-blah.”

“True,” one of the cameramen agreed wryly. “That’s what my wife says.”

“Well, people. Be that as it may.” Ava clapped her hands. “I think we have what we need for the day. Thanks, everyone. You were beyond fabulous. Until next time.”

Then came a big round of emotional hugs, from which Drew was by no means exempt. “I’ll look for you online,” he told Michael.

“Look for CyborgStrong8878.” The teenager gave him a tight, shaking hug and then hurried out with his mom and grandma on either side, chattering excitedly.

Drew figured that he was technically free to go himself, after the Wu family, Cherise and Roddy had all left, but still he lingered watching Ava’s crew pack up. He wasn’t ready for the whole experience to be over, and Jenna had disappeared from the room a few minutes ago. He didn’t want to leave until he said goodbye to her, and maybe got another one of those gorgeous smiles as a farewell gift.

Then Jenna and Ava reappeared. Ava was on her cell phone, and she spotted him and waved him over, still talking as he approached.

“You diabolical schemer, you. A man after my own heart. I’ll let them know.” She pocketed her phone. “Okay, my lovelies. Time to get back to my workshop and start postproduction. That was Ernest, and he wants you to know that A, he called in some favors to get you two a reservation at Piepoli’s for eight, and B, news of this dinner reservation has been discreetly leaked to our favorite paparazzi. A few of them should bite.”

“Paparazzi? I don’t feel camera ready right now.” Jenna looked doubtful.

“Nonsense,” Ava said briskly. “You’ve been thoroughly worked over by Suzan, the makeup goddess, and you look beautiful. Let’s keep up the pressure, people.”

“Too much pressure,” Drew said. “It’s been a long day, Av. Let her rest.”

“You still have to eat, right?” his sister pointed out. “So multitask.”

Drew looked at Jenna. “No pressure,” he told her. “At least not from me. I could take you straight home, or to some other restaurant where you could relax in peace and privacy. Your call. No one else’s.”

Ava sighed sharply. “Don’t be difficult, Drew. I’m going to a lot of trouble here.”

He kept his eyes on Jenna. “Don’t push her around.”

His sister snorted. “You know you’re just egging me on when you defend her, right?”

“I’m ignoring you,” he said calmly. “And Jenna decides on her own dinner plans.”

Jenna gave him one of those smiles that blew his mind. “I’ve heard great things about the lobster ravioli at Piepoli’s,” she said. “I’m up for some of that.”

“Yes!” Ava clapped her friend on the back. “That’s the spirit! All you need to do is pretend to enjoy each other’s company while eating a fabulous meal. No sweat.”

Jenna shrugged, her gaze darting away from his. “I’m, ah, sure we’ll manage.”

Drew looked at the color blooming on Jenna’s cheeks, longing to touch it. Feel the soft heat. She’d made her boundaries plain, but he still wanted more of her attention.

As much of it as he could get.