
It was happening again. He’d bypassed her brain. Just reached past it into something deeper, rawer, truer. A part that didn’t care about consequences. It just wanted more of that delicious, virile, wonderful-smelling man who was ravishing her mouth with slow, enthralling skill. More.

He lifted her up, and she just clung, like he was her center of gravity, winding her legs around him. He pressed her against the door, letting the hard, unyielding bulge of his erection rock against that tender ache of need between her legs as he kissed her, making her shift and move and moan. She held him tighter, moving over him until he was positioned right where she needed him to be, and then moving again...squeezing. Even through all those layers of cloth, his natural, innate skill was electric, amazing. The way he touched her, as if his hands just sank magically inside her senses, stroking her, changing her. Transforming her.

Jenna pulled him closer, having forgotten completely to be embarrassed about it. He was pulling the stretchy fabric of her bodice down over the low-cut cups of her bra, and she helped him do it, arching her back and holding his head against her chest. His lips felt amazing. Now he was caressing her breasts, circling her nipples through the lace of her bra. Every slow, deliberate caress a delicious lick of flame that sent shivers of anticipation through her body, jacking up the sensations to exquisite madness. She writhed against him, rocking, holding tighter—

And exploded, into pure bliss. Endless pulsing waves of it rushing through her. Sweet, pure, blinding pleasure beyond anything she’d ever felt. Or even imagined.

She came back to herself slowly, feeling so limp and soft, she could barely breathe. She was still pressed to the door, pinned by his body. Her face rested against his big, broad shoulder. Her legs were still wound around his.

She lifted her head. Her face was burning. Good thing his coat was dark, because her eyes were wet, and her mascara was in a highly unstable state.

Drew nuzzled her ear, kissing her throat. Slow, soothing, seductive kisses that promised more, more, more. As much as she could take. For as long as she wanted. His erection still pressed against her, since she was practically astride it. But he wasn’t moving or pushing. He was still, waiting for a cue from her.

It took a few panting, shivering minutes to work up the courage to look into his eyes, as reality began to grip her mind again. The hard truth behind this craziness.

This could not happen. Being dumped by Rupert had already left her heart bruised. This was just a game Drew was playing. There was no way it could end up someplace real. She couldn’t do this to herself.

She just...didn’t...dare.

“Wow,” she whispered, licking her trembling lips. “Where did that come from?”

“Let’s find out.” His voice was a velvety rasp, stroking all her secret senses. “Let’s explore it. See how far it goes. How deep. Just say the word.”

Before she could stop herself, her mind began to whirl with images of Drew Maddox, naked in her bed. She’d imagined him there often enough. He’d starred in her sexual fantasies ever since she first laid eyes on him.

But Drew always kept it superlight when it came to sex. He was famous for it, while she herself had never been very good at not caring too much when things got intimate. She certainly wouldn’t be able to pull it off with a guy she’d had a massive, blazing crush on for over a decade.

Jenna knew how this would go. He’d amuse himself with her, and he’d be great in bed. It would be mind-blowing. Delicious. He would rock her world. Best sex ever.

Then boom, she’d fall for him like a ton of broken rock. He’d be embarrassed by her intensity and pull back fast. She’d be humiliated and hurt, hating herself for being so stupid when she knew the outcome from the start. Why even begin that sad story?

No. She was not going to hurt herself like that. No matter how tempting he was.

She steeled herself. “I think, um...that we’ve had a miscommunication,” she said carefully. “I’m really sorry, but when I agreed to this, I never meant to put sex on the table as part of the bargain. That’s just not who I am.”

Tension gripped him. He shifted back, and she slid down his legs as he set her gently on her feet. “I never dreamed that you were,” he said.

Jenna fumbled with the neckline of her dress, trying to get it up over the cups of her bra. “I’m sorry if I sent mixed messages. Made things more complicated.”

“Complicated why? Because I made you come? Don’t worry about it. You’re so beautiful. It was incredible to watch. I’ll dream about it all night long.”

“Oh, stop that,” she said sharply.

He looked startled. “Stop what?”

“The smooth lover-boy routine that makes all the ladies melt.” She backed away from him. “I don’t want to join the Drew Maddox fan club. I’d get lost in the crowd.”

His face didn’t change expression, but she saw startled hurt in his eyes.

“I apologize,” he said. “I misread your cues. I’ll get out of your way now.”

The look on his face made her feel terrible. His only crime was in kissing and caressing her into a fabulous orgasm, and here she was, punishing him for it.

“Damn it, Drew,” she said miserably. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“Excuse me.” Drew nudged her to the side. “Scoot over, please. I need to get through the door.”