Ava shrugged. “Doesn’t seem funny to me,” she said. “You weren’t with us on those nights.”

“Evidently,” Harold said. “But I did not get the impression that Drew was engaged to anyone during that time.” He gave Drew a thin, knowing smile. “On the contrary.”

“Women in STEM, did you say?” Bev swooped in to salvage the conversation, sensing tension in the air. “What was it Ava said you did, dear? Some sort of engineer, right?”

“Yes. I design neuro-prosthetic devices,” Jenna explained.

Bev blinked. “Ah. I see.”

“She designs brain-directed bionic limbs for amputees that give actual sensory feedback,” Drew broke in. “It’s overly modest to just say, ‘I design neuro-prosthetic devices.’”

Jenna laid down her fork. “I didn’t think this was the time or place,” she told him sternly. “But I do know how to toot my own horn.”

“Yes, but this actually is the time and place,” Drew said. “Bev works with the Bricker Foundation, so she needs to know about Arm’s Reach.” He looked at Bev. “I’ll send you the link to the Women in STEM speech. You’ll be intrigued, considering your work with veterans.”

Bev sipped her wine, her eyes sparkling behind her rimless glasses. “Thank you, Drew. By all means, do send me that link.”

“The TED talk is fine for a quick overview,” Drew went on. “But the Women in STEM speech goes into much more detail.”

“And there’s the Wexler Prize presentation she gave today at the Curtis.” Ava picked up her phone and tapped it. “Forwarding video links right now, Bev.”

“I can’t wait to see them.” Bev smiled, her eyes soft. “I love how he’s so proud of you. That’s just as it should be.”

Another awkward pause. Everyone’s eyes on her. She was starting to sweat.

“You certainly have been doing your homework, Drew,” Uncle Malcolm said.

“Just admiring my fiancée’s accomplishments,” Drew said. “It’s worth a look. She does groundbreaking work that transforms people’s lives.”

Malcolm grumbled under his breath. “I’m sure it does. Yours included, eh? So she just pops out of the woodwork, fully formed and already engaged to you?” He scowled in Ava’s direction. “You plotting and scheming again, girl? I know your tricks.”

Ava batted her big gray eyes at him. “Uncle,” she murmured. “You wound me.”

“Ha,” Malcolm grunted. “Suffer.”

Hoo-boy. Jenna did not want to hear them thrash this one out right in front of her. Time out. She jumped to her feet. “Excuse me, everyone. Back in a moment.”

She fled toward the ladies’ room, grateful for some air and a break from all that intense scrutiny. To say nothing of the mind-jamming effect of Drew’s over-the-top hotness. She lingered in one of the stalls, trying to settle herself with deep, slow breaths.

This was trickier than she’d anticipated. She disliked lying on principle, and hated lying to people she liked. And she liked Bev Hill. Hendrick still had that mistrustful pucker to his mouth, and Malcolm Maddox couldn’t stop frowning. Both men were hyper-wary of a trap, but not Bev. She was sweet and warm and genuine.

Jenna came out, straightened herself up, washed her hands at the gray marble sink and tried, more or less in vain, to get her hair in order. She was touching up her mascara when Bev came out of one of the bathroom stalls. Bev waited for another couple of women who were there to finish their washing and primping and walk out.

As soon as they did, Bev moved closer and placed her hand on Jenna’s shoulder.

“Honey. I have to say something to you,” she said earnestly. “I don’t have the right to say this yet, since we just met. But you seem like a lovely girl, so I’m going to risk it.”

Jenna braced herself. “What is it?”

Bev’s eyes were anxious. “How well do you really know Drew Maddox? I mean, beyond the sangria and the meeting in San Francisco. Do you really know him?”

“Ah... I, um...” Jenna stammered, groping for words. “Bev...”

“I know I just met you, and have no right to ask,” Bev said swiftly. “And it was clear to everyone that you’re madly in love with him, so I’m sorry to cause you any pain.”

Jenna tried not to wince. So her crush was really that visible. “Bev, um... I just—”

“He’s ridiculously handsome, yes. Far more so than is healthy for him. Brilliant, talented, charming. Naturally seductive. Ava, too. Their parents both were, and Malcolm was, too, back in the day. But Jenna... I don’t know how to say this, but—”