Page 72 of Edge of Midnight


Liv didn’t know what set her off. Maybe his matter-of-fact air, as if he were taking what was due to him. He wrenched the covers down, scattering the stuff Miles had bought over the floor, and caught her under the armpits, tossing her onto the middle of the bed. He shoved her thighs wide, mounted her.

“Hey!” She shoved at his chest. “I didn’t say you could do this!”

He fitted the broad, blunt head of his sheathed penis to her opening, and nudged it inside. “Nope,” he said. “You didn’t. So?”

“What do you mean, so? So stop it!”

“No.” He shoved himself inside her, wedging deep. His body pinned her to the crumpled bedclothes, breathlessly big and hot and heavy. His chest pressed against her breasts, squishing them flat.

He just went at her, that huge thing of his plunging and sliding, making her hot and frantic. His hard, heavy strokes jarred her across the bed, jolting her up until she was crammed against the headboard and had to reach up and brace herself. “Stop it,” she hissed, wiggling and squirming. “Get out of me. You’re making me crazy.”

“Yeah, I know,” he said. “You love it.”

Relax. Hah. She wrenched her hands free, swatting at his face.

Sean caught her arms again, and pinned them to her chest, hips pulsing sensuously against her. “What the hell is the matter with you?” he demanded. “Is it the position? Do you need to be on top?”

“No!” she yelled. “It’s the look on your face that I can’t stand!”

He looked startled, and stopped moving, staring down at her with a frown. “Uh, that’s a tough one,” he said warily. “I don’t even know what look was on my face, baby. Being as how I’m behind my face.”

“Do not smart-mouth me.” Her voice shook. “It’s that ‘I’m entitled to this’ look. Like, you saved me from T-Rex, so now it’s your God-given right to fuck me, however, wherever, whenever you want, right?”

He looked horrified, and withdrew instantly. “Whoa.” He rolled to the side, still holding her. “I didn’t mean to make you think about him. I’m sorry.”

Her face dissolved. She covered it with her hands.

Sean leaned closer and nuzzled her, kissing the side of her face over and over with soft, pleading kisses. They stayed that way for a long time, silently cuddling, until she managed to speak.

“He was going to cut me,” she whispered. “He was going to do horrible things to me, and then stick my dead body in the ground.”

His arm slid around her. “Yeah, but he didn’t. Because you’re strong and brave and quick. He’s in my sights, believe me. I’m sorry he got near you. I’m sorry he breathed the same air as you.”

“No.” She shook her head violently. “Don’t make me out to be some big heroine. I’m only alive because you came after me. Not because I’m so great or smart or brave. That’s bullshit.”

He petted her hair. “Wrong. I saw you bite that guy when he was holding a gun to your head. You don’t fool me for a second.”

“You don’t understand.” Her voice quavered, broke. “I was so scared. I would have told him anything. Anything, you get me? I told him I brought Kev’s note to you. I could have killed you by doing that.”

He pried her hand off her wet eyes and frowned. “Babe. Everyone breaks under torture. Read my lips. Everyone. Human beings are not designed to withstand that kind of abuse. Don’t bother feeling guilty about it. It’s a big waste of time.”

She yanked her hand back, hid her face again, shook her head.

“I caved, when it happened to me,” he said. “In a nanosecond.”

She jerked up onto her elbow, startled. “You? What? How?”

“See these?” He lifted his arm, and pointed at the silvery lines slashing along his ribs. “That was in Sierra Leone. I had a job guarding a diamond mine. There was this rival warlord who wanted to…well, to make a long, boring story short, this was done with electrical wire.”

She gasped. “Oh, God. Oh, that’s horrible.”

“It pretty much sucked,” he agreed. “I’m not much of a stoic, to tell the truth. I was crying for Mama in no time. I fuckinghatepain.”

That was so ironic, after having witnessed his outrageous heroism in action, that she started to shake with laughter, eyes watering.

“Gee. I’m glad that my heart-wrenching tale of physical and mental anguish is so amusing for you,” he said dryly.