Two years later


“Everything set?” Hudsyn asks and leans her forearms on the fence right next to me.

I keep my attention on Ivar who is riding Bones, a white mare we bought almost two years ago. There’s nothing sexier than watching the man you love ride his horse, or his bike for that matter.

“Yes,” I tell her with a smile in my voice. “I’ve been planning our first wedding anniversary gift for over six weeks now, one would think I have the most crucial parts in place.”

Hudsyn shrugs. “I’m pretty sure your man wouldn’t care either way, just having you naked is good enough for him.”

I smack her shoulder with the back of my hand. “I’ve taken great care in planning and deciding what to wear and what to do with the room and the food and all. Besides, I want to give him the special item I had made for him, you know…what I discussed in church and we all voted on.”

Hudsyn snickers. “Your husband is rich as fuck and took you on a honeymoon around the world to sip champagne with your ass on a different beach each day. All while you two rushed home because the both of you enjoy the ranch and the animals way more than spending time at a luxurious hotel or a weekend at his apartment in New York for that matter. You know, the one he sold last year to move here indefinitely. Hence me telling you…naked on a bed would be just as festive for your husband.”

I plan to end up naked or with him only wearing the gift I had especially made for him but there’s something else. Something crucial I’ve been planning for more than a few weeks.

“It’s different because–” I stop blurting the secret I’ve been keeping and mutter, “Never mind, you’re right. How are those two Friesian foals doing? Perry and Ramona are doing an amazing job with that breed, huh?”

“Right, talk over that shit. You’re not fooling me, sis. Spill. What the fuck is so special about the one-year wedding anniversary you have planned?”

I take my eyes off Ivar and place a hand near my mouth to make sure my husband can’t read my lips when I tell my sister, “We wanted to start a family once we were married for at least a year. Ivar wanted to try sooner but you know how much I like planning ahead so I stopped taking the pill and tracked when I was ovulating and stuff and…well…today is supposed to be the best time to make a baby. Hopefully. We all know mother nature has her own rules, limitations, ways to jerk life roller-coaster style, whatever. But, yeah…I wanted to surprise him by–”

“Gossiping behind my back?” Ivar rumbles and my hand drops away from my face.

My cheeks heat and I snap, “Sneaking up on people isn’t very nice.”

“Preventing me from listening in isn’t very nice either,” he shoots back.

I narrow my eyes and fire off my words, “Listening in isn’t very nice, it’s considered rude.”

A grin slides across his face at the same time Hudsyn says, “There, there, kids. Play nice. Happy anniversary and all that shit.” She smacks Ivar’s leg to catch his attention. “Get off your high horse. I’m going to take care of Bones so you can take care of your wife.”

Ivar doesn’t object but instantly dismounts and hands the reigns over to Hudsyn. He jumps over the fence at the same time Hudsyn climbs over to get to the horse. I don’t have time to take another breath when his lips land on mine. I sink into the kiss and let his warmth, along with the spikes of desire, fill my body.

“Take it inside, kids,” my sister tells me with laughter in her voice.

I flip her off and simultaneously break the kiss I’m sharing with my husband to practically drag him off into the clubhouse. We still have a room here while we bought a large piece of land eight months ago that’s connected to this ranch.

We wanted our own home but still stay close to the club. We also didn’t want to take our horses with us because the large pastures and training areas around this ranch are perfect. This is why we agreed to build a house on the land we bought so we’re close to everything and still have the privacy of our own home.

The house isn’t finished yet but it’s slowly getting there. I can’t wait to completely move in and hopefully fill it with a family of our own one day. Maybe even one day soon if all goes well tonight. But I guess some things are out of our hands and we have to rely on circumstances to enrich our future.

We burst through the door of our room and my body is spinning around at the same time the door falls shut. Ivar presses me against it, his mouth covering mine the next instant. Our connection has intensified over the years we’ve been together.

We might have started out by diving into a relationship headfirst but there are no regrets for taking off at full speed. If anything, we didn’t waste one second to share a life together. I dare even say it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

His hands roam my body and I’m almost lost in lust to give in and ride this man to orgasmland but I have a special gift to give him first. Actually, I have two but one has to be given in words while the other holds a load of sentiment and meaning.

“Wait,” I murmur against his lips.

I know he can’t hear me but the man is perceptive and feels the vibration with his body instead of using his ears. He pulls back and gives me an intense look. The love shining from him is putting me in the spotlight where I feel comfortable to be the center of attention for him alone.

“I have something for you,” I breathe.

“I have something for you too,” he murmurs back seductively.