Loud cursing rips through the air and the both of us jump apart to stare at a cursing Atticus, president of Cowboy Bikers MC Lawmen. He grunts a few more words in anger into his phone and disconnects, shoving the phone into the front pocket of his jeans.

“That fucker is on the run,” Atticus snaps.

“Who is on the run?” Ramona asks and comes to stand next to us.

Atticus strolls our way. “Before we came into town, I made a call to the sheriff’s office to ask for assistance. They were waiting for us a block away from Henrick’s home so we could work together. The sheriff arrested him and brought him into the station. One of our prospects tagged along to ensure his belongings were correctly processed. All of this so we could search his house and retrieve more evidence than what was found at the scene when we glanced through his phone. The fucker could log into a livestream of a room which Hudsyn here confirmed was the one he renovated in this clubhouse.”

Ramona curses and I reach out to squeeze her hand.

She falls silent and Atticus continues. “The prospect just called. While he was at the station securing the evidence in another room, he heard a shot go off. When he checked what was going on he found the deputy on the ground with a gunshot wound to the chest, pushing out his last fucking breath. Henrick knew he was going down because we made sure he was aware we had the evidence to put him away for a long damn time. The fucker had nothing to lose so when he saw a possibility to escape, he took it. Henrick managed to take the deputy’s gun, shot him and walked out of the station. He got in the patrol car and ran over the sheriff who was crossing the street.”

“Have you called the brothers who are at his house right now? He might go back there,” Ezra rumbles.

“I ordered the prospect to call them before I hung up. I’ll text them in a moment. We need to secure the area along with the room Henrick renovated so we can secure the evidence. This fucker is going down, one way or the other.” Atticus pulls his phone from his pocket and glances at the screen.

Shoving his phone back into his pocket, his gaze now slides to Hudsyn. “Is it okay if we use church to set up a control center? I have to make a lot of calls. The sheriff just died on arrival at the hospital. Henrick is now a fugitive on the run who has the blood of two law enforcement officers on his hands.”

“Go ahead,” my sister says, waving her hand in the direction of church. “If you need any help, let me know.”

“For now, we need for all of you to stay put. I’m betting this fucker is furious and his anger is set on you guys because he’s seen you, Hudsyn. He knows it was y’all who exposed him,” Atticus warns.

“So, we’re basically the prisoners here?” Cassia quips.

“It’s for your own safety and it allows us to do our job. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Atticus simply turns on his heel and heads into church, a few of his brothers following him inside before closing the door.

“Holy shit,” Sonnet gasps. “Can you believe it? It’s like some sort of bad movie scene where the bad guy goes insane and heads into town for a good ol’ killing spree. What. The. Actual. Fuck?”

“I know, right?” Zoanne quietly states.

“No need to panic,” Ezra states. “Atticus will probably get the state police here in no time at all. I’m betting he’s organizing a manhunt as we speak. Trust the man and do as he says: sit tight. It will all be over soon enough.”

“Why don’t we get some food on the table?” Hudsyn states. “We have visitors and a lot of mouths to feed. Not to mention, it will give us something to do and take our minds off this mess because there’s nothing we can do.”

“Ramona?” Hudsyn quips.

The corner of my mouth twitches when I see she’s not paying attention at everything around her or Prez who is trying to get through to her. Nope. She’s engrossed with her phone and there’s a small smile tugging her lips.

I lean in and whisper to Hudsyn, “She’s been texting with Perry, a buddy of Ivar’s who has shown interest in buying Dover.”

My sister takes in Ramona and the way her thumbs are flying over the screen of her phone.

“Looks like he might get more than the horse,” Hudsyn mutters.

Ezra snickers. “Whatever it is, it’s just the thing she needs right now.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” I glance around and order, “Cassia, check the kitchen to see what food we can put on the table. Sonnet, Zoanne, help her out and let me know if you need more hands.”

They disappear into the direction of the kitchen and that leaves Hudsyn, Ezra, Ivar, and I together.

“I’ll throw a text in the group chat to let all the sisters know what’s going on,” Hudsyn states as she grabs her phone and starts to type.

A warm, big hand slides over my back, letting his strength seep into me. I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

Ivar’s mouth is right next to my ear when he whispers, “I don’t know those guys, only from what you’ve told me, but the way Atticus took action just now shows his experience. I’m sure they’ve got this. We all got this. And for sure as fuck I won’t let anything happen to you now that we’ve barely just started. I’ve never done the whole relationship thing but I do have a vision of the both of us watching our grandkids riding the horses we’ve bred and trained together.”

The warmth he unleashes inside my chest is something unfamiliar and it just might fit the adoration, bordering on love criteria but I know it’s too soon. Yet, it’s a perfect fit to what I feel when I stare into his intense eyes.

“That’s a vision worth fighting for,” I tell him and rise on my toes to kiss him, not caring my sister and her old man are standing right next to us.