Page 89 of Encore



Tara answersthe phone in a few rings, and my question is out before she has a chance to speak. “Is Sky with you?”

“No. Dylan? What’s wrong?”

Why couldn’t she sayyes? I’d told myself over and over Sky would be with her. My mouth dries, and the panic I’ve quelled seeps in as I drop a breathless update on Tara.

“Late last night, Sky told me she wanted to see you. I told her not to drive to Bristol, and she agreed to wait. I hoped she’d change her mind because... I don’t know. Something’s off about her. She’d already left when I woke up half an hour ago and it’s only 6:00 a.m. I’ve no fucking idea when she went. And now, where.”

“Have you tried calling her?” Tara’s concern in her voice matches mine, which panics me further.

“She’s not answering. Could you try? We never argued, but I don’t know, Sky’s shutting me out for some reason. Both of us.”

Tara asks the question that’s answer freaks me out the most. “Is the baby with her?”


There’s a telling pause. “Is Sky not coping, Dylan? She was quiet when I saw her a couple of days ago, not quite with us.”

“I don’t know.” My voice cracks. Did I let her down again? Not read signs? “She seems happy most of the time. A bit full-on, you know how she can be about organising everything.” I rub my head. “Shit, Tara. What’s happening?”

“And the baby...? Is she having issues bonding?”

“She’s looking after him.”

“It’s not just about being a new mum, Dylan. What happened to her would freak anybody out. Sky won’t talk about it, but it was bloody traumatic.”

“Don’t you think I realise that?” I snap as Tara’s words drag along my raw nerves.

Tara switches to a soothing tone. “She’s probably on her way to mine and doesn’t want to talk while driving. Or she had to stop to feed him. Or something.”

“Can you call Sky? In case I’ve upset her? She was a bit pissed off I wouldn’t let her leave last night. Maybe more than I realise?”

“That’s probably it,” says Tara, but her reassurance isn’t convincing. “Call Cerys. Maybe she went there instead? She’s closer.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” I take a shaky breath. “What if something’s happened, Tara?” My head floods with images: car crashes, Lily, empty car seats. Sky and the baby dead. No. Shit. I’m the one overreacting to the situation. But in my heart, I know something is wrong.

* * *


I arriveat the hospital early morning, and sit in the car, scanning the car park for anybody who looks like press. Several cars parked, but no people, 6:00 a.m. too early for most. Plus, no famous babies born in the place since mine a week ago equals lack of interest.

I drift off back to the day my baby was born, clutching at memories and images the way I do daily in an attempt to remember when my daughter was taken. Everything morphs into a haze of fear and pain. I remember up until the birth, and then I’m unsure what’s real and what I dreamed.


I called him last week. As usual, the man was reticent to talk to me and stuck to pleasantries. Now he’s overseas, and I can’t see him. Ineedto see him. Only the three of us and Ruby know Jem was there, the story not leaked. Yet. Talk about story of the year when this gets out... Jem stayed away in the days after the birth. Did Dylan tell him to? Maybe he can’t face me after what happened. We hardly had a solid friendship before that evening’s craziness.

But Jem was there.

He held her.

Jem travelled with me in the ambulance afterwards. I swear he held my hand and coaxed me down from the painful, fearful height I found myself at.

Did Jem see what happened?