Page 77 of Encore

She giggles. “I know. He was surprised to hear my voice too. He thought I was you.”

“What did he say?”

“Not much. Asked me to pass a message on.”


“He’s in London and has something to drop off for Dylan, said he wanted to call round some time. I told him tonight wasn’t convenient because Dylan’s away, and you’re spending time with me. So he said he’d call tomorrow.”

“Right.” A glimmer of hope rises. Jem will tell someone. Hehasto. He wouldn’t be deluded I’d deliberately spend the evening with Lily. Christ, I hope not. “Okay. Um. Thanks.”

I haven’t moved from my spot by the kitchen doorway, and I swallow as I notice the knife next to the chopping board across the kitchen, on the island counter. “Should I help?” I ask.

“I have everything under control.”

Lily turns away. Should I grab the knife? What would be the point in removing it from her reach, there’re more in the block nearby?

I need a different plan. “Right. Thanks. I should freshen up before we eat. Long trip from Bristol.”

Lily turns and studies me, her brow furrowing for a second. I back up again as she steps through the door between the kitchen and the hallway. “Don’t leave, Sky.”

“Oh. No. I wasn’t. Bathroom.” I point.

Lily’s frown dissipates. “Sure. Dinner won’t be long. I made curry. Do you like chicken?”

She remains where she is, blocking my way from the house. For a horrible moment, I think she’ll follow me to the bathroom too, but she remains in the space between the kitchen and front door.

A silent warning.

The minute I step inside the bathroom, my plan to call the police drops away. My phone is in my fucking bag by the door. I sit on the edge of the bath and take deep, calming breaths, hugging my stomach. Pain runs through me; bloody Braxton hicks contractions again, no doubt exacerbated by the nut job in the hallway.

What do I do? Lock myself in here until she gives up and leaves? Or until Dylan arrives home? If he can’t contact me tonight, he’ll take the next plane back. I remain on the edge of the huge bath, staring at the tiled floor and debating what to do. Should I carry on the charade with her and hope she leaves, or until I manage access my phone?

“Sky? Are you okay? You’re not having the baby are you?” Lily giggles again.

“No. I’m fine. Be out in a sec.” I switch on a tap. The water rushes into the sink, and I remain where I am.

“Cool, I’ll serve up.”

Heavy pregnancy doesn’t allow for sneaking, and as soon as Lily hears me leave the bathroom, she steps out of the kitchen again, holding two bowls of curry. Her hands aren’t free. I could push past and grab my bag and... what? I’ve no way to predict what she’ll do, and I’m scared she’ll hurt me or the baby. Or both.

“I should call Dylan and let him know I’m home from Tara’s safely.”

Her mouth hardens. “After we’ve eaten,” she says in a low voice.

Her first sign of displeasure is time to back right down. “Sure. Okay. Should we eat in the kitchen or the dining room?”

“Oh! The dining room. I like the view from there.”

Panic jabs my chest. “You’ve seen the view before?”

“Sure, I’ve spent a couple of nights here in the past. I like to keep an eye on the place when you’re in Berkshire or away.”Holy crap. My skin crawls at the thought of this woman in my home. Touching my things. “I always tidy up after myself. I didn’t want you to know, just in case you didn’t want me to help out. I know Dylan can be a bit odd about our friendship.”

Odd? Friendship? Jesus bloody Christ. This gets worse. “That’s nice of you, Lily, but really not necessary.”

“I haven’t been here recently, though. Some guy started stalking me and I don’t want him to know I came here sometimes. I think he was someone Dylan sent to make sure I was safe. He’s good like that, isn’t he?”

So where the fuck is this man who follows Lily tonight? Maybe he’s nearby and will arrive soon.