Page 72 of Encore

She touches my cheek and smiles. “I love you so much. Seeing the light in your eyes when you play your music, or talk about the baby, is infectious. You’re an incredible man, Dylan, and I’m lucky to be the person who shares this life with you.”

“I guess you are. Tying down Dylan Morgan.” She rolls her eyes at me. “And all the crap it brings,” I mutter.

Sky sits around and pushes hair from her face. “What’s happened? Have you spoken to Tina recently?”

I have no choice; I can’t go down the same route again. “Yes. Earlier today. Was about to talk to you after I played you these.”

Sky slumps back. “What did Lily send this time?”

“I don’t know. I won’t let them open the packages. They’re returned to sender.”

Lily. The first few months after we announced the pregnancy, we didn’t hear from her. But in recent weeks, letters arrive at the PR offices again, accompanied by gifts, for the baby and Sky.

“Is she still sending pictures of the kid?”

I grit my teeth. “I don’t know. Lily seriously needs help. She’s unhinged. Pretending her best friend’s kid is her own.” Discovering this didn’t take long; within a week private investigations found the truth.

“Yes, a kid she never demanded maintenance for and refuses DNA tests. Even the press know it’s bullshit.”

“Ah well, Lily can send what the hell she wants as long as she keeps away.” I straighten as Sky’s mouth turns down. “She is keeping away from you, isn’t she?”

“Yes, but last time I didn’t respond to her letters she came looking for me, didn’t she?”

“But she hasn’t?”

“No, but I won’t be able to run away fast enough if she does.” Sky gestures at herself. “A speedy waddle is all I’ll manage.”

The humorous words don’t work, and my thoughts darken. “Don’t make light of this.”

“I’m not. What do you expect me to do? Not go anywhere? Then she’s won.”

Sky travels to Tara’s, of course. Other times when we’re in London, she spends time with Cerys because she’s closer. Ruby and Jem spend most of their time in the country, but they occasionally head to London for Ruby Riot business. Jem’s passing the management mantle on now but is closely involved still. I’m not involved with them, and I haven’t seen them since the European tour. Ruby Riot are on hiatus too, due to Ruby’s baby, but are focusing on an album release. I expect to see them exploding across the world soon. Talented kids.

“No, but....”

“But what? I’m safe.”

“You should let me employ a bodyguard.”

“Don’t be so over the top!”

“I’m worried, Sky. What if she totally loses her shit. Like, complete psycho. You hear things about this happening to stars. Hell, you must’ve seen court cases.” I pause. “I had this dream the other night that she attacked you and stole our baby and—”

“That’s ridiculous, Dylan. She’d need to get the baby out of me first.” Her eyes widen at my worried expression. “Are you seriously thinking she’s insane enough to steal an unborn baby?”

“No.”Yes.“I mean after the baby’s born.”

“Wow, I thought I was supposed to be the pregnant woman with crazy thoughts.”

“Yeah.” I play my fingers along her smooth legs, grasping common sense. I know my overprotectiveness can annoy Sky, but sometimes nightmares take a long time to fade.

Sky sighs. “We’ve visited the hospital and the place is more secure than any other. The hospital all the famous babies hang out.” She pokes me. “Royalty. We’ve seen where I’ll have the baby, met everybody who’ll be involved. Nobody will steal our baby, Dylan.”

“I know. I’m just cautious.”

“Cautious? Maybe armed security by my bed? Round the clock surveillance of the baby?”

“Don’t tease me.” I pout.