Page 13 of Encore

She gasps and playfully smacks my leg. “Don’t tell me to shut up.”

“Do as you’re told, then.” I fight a smile as she arches a brow. “Seriously, Sky. Let’s check everything is okay and how pregnant you are.”

“Not more than a few weeks, I think.”

“Well, the doctor will tell us when we see him, won’t he?” I give a smug smile. “Tomorrow.”

Sky responds with an exasperated noise. I capture her face and cover her cheeks with kisses. Sky giggles and my heart swells at the sound. We’re back to the normal Sky and Dylan. Our ability to say nothing, but everything we need, through a look or touch grows each day.

“What did you want to tell me?” I ask.

“Well...,” She takes my hand, curling soft fingers around mine. “I’ve thought about something for a few days. I need to make an honest man of you, don’t I? So we need to make a date soon.”

“What do you mean? What date?”

She lets go of my hand and shoves me lightly in the chest. “You can be so clueless sometimes! I mean a wedding date.”

My currently confused head is whipped in a new direction, away from fears over Lily and to Sky’s change of heart. “Whoa. Serious? Because of the baby?”

“No, Dylan. Because I love you, and I decided that’s the only thing that matters here. I don’t need to be scared.”

“Scared of what? I don’t understand what scares you about marrying me.”

“No, I mean I don’t need to be scared of the wedding. Marrying you doesn’t scare me. Much.” She bites the corner of her lip. “There’s the whole ‘Dylan Morgan the self-important rock god’ thing, but I think I have him under control.”

“Ha ha.”

“But that’s the big thing for me: the famous wedding the world is waiting to tear apart and analyse every detail of. I don’t want an important day ruined by everybody feeling they can have a piece of our time. We do this for us and only us. The world doesn’t need to be part of the wedding or our life, do they?”

I drag a hand through my hair, the anxiety over telling her about Lily replaced by shock at the words I’ve wanted her to say. I should be running around the room cheering, but this is weird, and I suddenly understand what Sky means about life being out of my control. “Wow. Okay. You’re full of surprises this week aren’t you? Have you decided when?”

“No, but I thought maybe in December? Just before Liam and Cerys’s wedding, then the focus will be on them.”


“I’d rather call it smart. We can travel overseas, pretend we’re having another holiday.”

I snuggle closer and kiss the side of her face, breathing in her summer scent. “Or we could do it now? Like, this week?” I whisper

“Dylan, at least let me plan a tiny bit.” She holds her thumb and forefinger millimetres apart. “Please?”

“Have you planned where?” I wrap an arm around her shoulder, pulling her against my racing heart.

“No idea. You choose.”


“No way! Dylan!”

“I was kidding! Your face is priceless!” I wince as she thumps me. “Has to be somewhere by the ocean. Hidden.”

She smiles, eyes shining with agreement. “Perfect. Any ideas?”

I shrug. “Where do celebrities normally have their secret weddings?”

“No idea, I haven’t attended one recently.”

“Okay, Miss Snarky. Date?”