Page 86 of Encore

I echo my thoughts. “He’s tiny.”

“He’ll grow,” says the nurse with a small laugh. “And he’s perfect.”

“Yeah.” I touch the perfection she talks about, my large fingers across his cheeks and nose. “Isn’t he?”

I shift around on the bed, swinging my legs around so I’m stretched out next to Sky.

She watches me with him, pale faced, eyes moist to match mine and strokes my face. “You okay?”

“I can’t put this into words,” I whisper. “I can’t believe he’s here, that I’m a freaking dad.”

The door closes with a gentle click as the nurse leaves, informing us we can call her when she is needed.

“Come here,” I say to Sky, and she snuggles into me, wrapping her arms around my waist so her face is close to our son too. “You’re incredible. I can’t believe I wasn’t there. I said this would happen. Shit, I’m glad Jem was with you. Kind of. The psychotic bloody—”

My burbling’s interrupted by Sky jabbing a finger into my side. “Don’t swear, and I don’t want to talk about this right now.” Her arm tightens around my waist and her words eat at me. She needed me, and I wasn’t there.