Page 64 of Encore



This is a freaking joke,right? What the hell are we paying Tina for? She sucks at her job.

I drop the sandwich I’m eating onto the plate as I check the link somebody sent to my phone last night.

“Sky Morgan pregnant, but who’s the father? Dylan Morgan or Bryn Hughes?”

I read the internet article and study the pictures. Sky, in tears, leaving the offices three days ago. Sky, in a cafe with Bryn, smiling and laughing, and in one shot holding hands across the table. Bryn hugging Sky, the way Bryn always says goodbye. Scrolling down, I find an image of me. Sour faced. Alone.

They’ve written some stupid shit about us before, but this? This takes the fucking cake.

Way to go, Bryn. One secret kid, and now he’s fathering Sky’s? I laugh. Un-fucking-believable.

We announced the pregnancy as planned, but the Sky hysterics and ensuing argument, plus the new Bryn angle, has sent the entertainment press into a gleeful tailspin.

It’s 8:00 a.m. Sky sleeps later recently, and I doubt she’s seen this. Licking butter from my fingers, I smirk to myself and flick over to my phone contacts to call Bryn.

“What?” he mumbles. “Too early.”

“Hey, man. Congratulations.”


“Didn’t you hear? You have two kids, not one.”

“Shit!” There’s a rustling and door banging, then his voice echoes as if he’s in a bathroom. “Whose? What the hell?”

“Calm down, I mean Sky.”

Silence deadens my joking before a stunned voice replies, “Sky? Like, your wife Sky?”

“Yeah. I just found out from the internet.”

More silence. “You don’t believe them do you?”

“What the fuck, Bryn? No. Why the hell would I?”

“Please explain and stop taking the piss.”

“Sky was spotted in tears, alone, after our fight, and then a couple of days ago, she was photographed cuddling you.”

“Cuddling? What the actual fuck, Dylan? No.”

“Heh, I always told you to keep your hands off women in public. You never listen.”

“I was saying goodbye!”

“Yeah, I thought as much. Don’t stress.”

“Fuck. Don’t you think Avery has enough with the Connor bombshell? What’s she gonna say?”

“I’m sure she’ll laugh about it too.”

Bryn mumbles something.

“C’mon, man, see the funny side.”