Page 57 of Encore

“Whoa! Stop there,” he snaps. “This is completely different. You’re gonna allow her to fuck this up with lies again?”

I slump onto the seat, fighting the uncontrollable anger and tears, at my pregnancy hormones forcing irrationality into the situation. “What if it is true, Dylan? What if she’s held this back as the final card in her hand?”

“We used protection,” he says in a low voice. “I did not get the girl pregnant.”

I stare at my hands wanting to believe him, but this has been a situation, which has played on my mind before, especially after we lost the first baby. Is there a girl out there from Dylan’s blurry past, one with his kid?

“I’ve been through this shit before, Sky! Twice. DNA tests the whole fucking works.”

I swallow. “What?”

“Oh, come on. Surely you’re not surprised I’ve had paternity suits thrown at me?”

“And you’re so blasé about it? That’s disgusting!”

“What the hell does it matter now? Lily doesn’t even have a kid to be tested, does she? She’s bloody insane.”

I shake, unable to push away the thought of girls claiming Dylan fathered their kids, of his past, the side of Dylan I don’t think about, emotions I was sure I’d buried.

Dylan drags out a chair, sits, and leans forward to take my hands, his warm strength circling my fingers. “One side effect of knowing Lily all this time, of her refusal to step out of my life, is we’ve known her for years. She didnothave a baby.”

“I thought she disappeared for a couple of years? I mean, she could—”

“Fuck, Sky! Will you listen?”

I drag my hands away at his firm tone. Yelling at me will change this from simmering to explosive. “And will you understand why this upsets me?”

“No, I don’t. She’s lying, the way she did about the rape.”

I cringe at the word. “Well you seem extremely pissed off about this. Are you sure you’re not hiding something?”

Dylan pushes his chair back. “What the hell is wrong with you? You believe her over me?”

Covering my face with my hands, I suck in breaths. The last hour imploded my world. I can’t think straight anymore. A quiet place to curl up and cry in is all I want. “I don’t know what to think!”

“You could fucking trust me over the psycho who invented a friendship with you?”

“Have you seen her?” I demand, peeking through my fingers.


“Any time since we were married.”

Dylan blinks rapidly, the answer I didn’t want. “You met up with her?” I yell. “When?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

I bury my head in my hands. “Oh god.Oh my god. I can’t talk to you right now.”

“I wasn’t alone, I—”

“Leave me alone!” I scream at him, tears blurring my eyes. “Go away.”

“Jesus, you’re weird when you’re pregnant.”

The anger bubbles closer to the surface. “One more comment like that and I’m not coming home,” I growl.

“Sky, calm down.”

I pick up the letters and throw them at him, a voice inside asking where my self-control is. “Calm down?” I shriek, and, hell, Inevershriek.

I can’t be in the same room as Dylan when I’m heading out of control. I can’t be in the same city. This is fucked up. My head is screwed, and the longer I stay here with him, the worse this will become. “I’ll leave then. Keep the letters you wanted to hide from me. I don’t want to see you or speak to you!”

I believe him about Lily, of course these are lies, but this isn’t what bothers me. Dylan betrayed me. He broke a promise, and until I calm down and deal with the hurt, I want nothing to do with him.