Page 81 of Reverb

Right. I can play that game too.I tiptoe so my face is closer to his. “I bet I tease you more.”

Bryn's arm winds around my waist and the wine sloshes the side of the glass as he pulls me closer. “You have no fucking idea.”

Tugging his hand away, I step back. “I think I do.”

As I sip my wine, Bryn bites his lip and shakes his head slowly.

“What I meant is have you talked to your friends about me? What have you said?” I ask.

Bryn frowns and rubs his head. “That we're dating?”

“Dating. Aren't we cute?”

Bryn fights a smile. “One of us is–”

“Dangerous territory, Bryn. Call me cute and you're in trouble.”

“I'll look forward to that.”

I smack his hand away as it sneaks around to my backside.

“Ready for battle?” he asks.

Resisting the urge to lurk in the kitchen as I usually do at parties, I hesitantly follow Bryn into a huge room with a small number of people in.

The room stretches to the back of the house ending in double glass doors to the garden. Expensively furnished with formal lounges, there’s a huge twelve-seater dining table, which is set off to one side in front of French windows. Amongst the order are the unmistakable traces of a child living in the house – toys in a box, handprints on the wall, and discarded books on the table.

I instantly spot Liam across the room talking to two guys with their backs to me. My stomach prepares to throw itself out of my mouth as I approach. The men don't need to turn around for me to know who they are. Blue Phoenix. Cerys stands close to a doorway at the opposite end of the room and chats to a girl with wavy blonde hair, who I recognise as Sky Morgan. The lead singer of Ruby Riot, Ruby, sits apart on a blue sofa, long scarlet hair falling across her face, focusing on her phone while the others chat around her.

Bryn marches us over to the group of men. “Hey, guys, remember Avery?”

He may as well have shone a spotlight on me because the other group in the room turn to look at me too.

“I do,” says Liam.

“Are you the girl he's moved in?” asks the taller of the two men and looks around.

Dylan. Morgan. Before my lust for Bryn, this man often took a trip into my daydreams and although he's oozing sexuality at a rate to match the rest of the room, Bryn has now eclipsed him. He’s as tall as Bryn, but not as solidly built, with a bemused look on his beautiful, sculpted face and in his blue eyes. If I wasn’t already sick with the mingling fear and excitement, Dylan’s star presence would’ve had a bigger effect.

“No, I left again,” I tell him.

Bryn takes hold of my hand.

“Your love life is confusing, man,” says Dylan. “You have nobody for ages and then too many girls to handle.”

“There's only Avery now,” says Bryn, sharply.

“Avery? Hello, Avery.” Dylan gives me a friendly smile but flicks a curious look at Bryn.

I think I reply. I'm increasingly dazzled by the brightness of the star-filled room so I’m not entirely sure I manage more than an indecipherable noise.

Jem glances at me but doesn't speak, which is a relief because his reputation scares me. Jem nods at Bryn before going over to Ruby on the sofa, where he laces his hand through hers, and she leans into him. I watch as they switch to talking in low voices and shut out everybody else.