Page 59 of Reverb

“Oh.”Maybe, not then.

“When I called you, hooking-up was in my mind, but when I saw you, I kinda felt different. You’re a nice girl. I can’t treat you like that. Plus, you’re a smart girl and wouldn’t let me. So, I told myself this was the same as last time we met, just a bit of fun with no expectations.”

I rub my tired eyes. “You don’t have to explain yourself.”

He shuffles closer; both knees touching mine, the tension hovering between us ready to spark at any moment. “Problem is, I enjoyed being with you tonight, more than I thought I would. I’d forgotten how attractive you are.” He pushes some of my hair over my shoulder, fingers brushing my skin.

We’ve completely misread each other; either that or being alone and close has knocked a hole in the idea we could ‘kind of date but nothing else’. As suspected by his shift in focus, a rock star’s expectations won’t match what I’m prepared to give him.

I swallow and focus on controlling my breathing. “Stop, Bryn. I wouldn’t sleep with someone on a first date anyway. I don’t care if you’re famous.”

Bryn’s mouth quirks into a smile. “Do you kiss on first dates?”

“Apparently so, since you kissed me last time.”

“So if I kissed you tonight, that would be okay?”

My chest constricts as I stare at his mouth, our combined blood alcohol making this more likely by the second.

“I don't know,” I whisper.

“If it's just a kiss? I didn't impress you with the last one, apparently. Can I try again?”

“The last one was good. I mean… Um…”

He cups my face with his large palm. “I want to kiss you.”



“I mean, okay I understand, not–” I hardly get the words out before Bryn's mouth crashes on mine, wiping the confusion over the whole situation away. The suddenness is matched by my surprising, overwhelming need to respond. I grab Bryn round the neck and kiss him back. Hard. He grips my hair in his fist, holding my head so I can't move, deepening his kiss.

My resolve is snatched away by the intensity of the moment as I relish the way his tongue explores my mouth, the intoxication of the alcohol nothing close to that of the taste and scent of Bryn Hughes and his hands on me.

Bryn holds my waist with his other arm and pulls me onto him as he leans back on the sofa and I'm all for climbing on top of him and undoing his shirt buttons. Marvelling at my restraint, I dig my fingers into his curls and the kiss continues; neither of us stopping for air. My body reacts in a way I’ve never experienced, within moments of touching and kissing, an aching need for more blinds me. I have never met a man who can turn me on this much by doing so little.

His hands roam to my backside and he shifts below me. When I'm aware of the erection straining between us, I tense because I’m losing my grip on the sensible Avery. Bryn lets go of my ass and pulls his mouth away. Our hot, heavy breaths mingle and every nerve ending in my body is alight as he rests his forehead on mine.

“Just a kiss?” he asks hoarsely. “Look at you, pinning me down!”

“I am not!”

He moves so I have to sit back. “Keep this up and I’ll want more than a kiss.” Bryn pushes hair from his face and he stares at my now dishevelled state. “My self-control is shit currently.”

The connotation of Bryn’s words niggles and dampens some of the arousal. “You're not adding me to your collection of girls you screw.”

“I get that. I did tell you that’s what I am right now.”

I rub my lips together and look away. He kisses other girls like this and doesn’t stop; I’m nothing special. “Yes, you did.”

“Maybe if we see each other more, things could change?”

I pull my dress back down where it shifted too far up my legs. “Two weeks and then you're on tour, Bryn. You and me aren't destined, are we?”

“We could have some fun until I go away?”

The aching between my legs and hardened nipples are suggesting I could have fun right now, but I can't sleep with a man who currently uses women for sex.