Page 49 of Reverb

Bryn holds a hand in my direction. “Shall we?”

I’m seconds away from refusing and heading back to the cab. “I don't know why I agreed to do this.”

“Because I'm awesome!” he says with a wink. “Let's go,cariad.” He grabs my hand and may as well have jolted me with a few thousand volts, his touch surging through my body and fusing my hand to his.

We head to the front of the club, past the bouncers manning the entrance.

Cameras flash in my face and I panic. “You said people don’t care about the drummer!”

“They'll take a picture of anybody famous at functions like this. I’m one quarter of Blue Phoenix, remember?”

To my horror, he pauses for the cameras, slipping an arm around my waist. I never agreed to be this, and I bet the stunned look on my face will be extra flattering.

“Smile,” he whispers in my ear and I wrinkle my nose at the sensation of his warm breath against my face. Perfect, an even better look for the camera.

“Bryn!” I elbow him.

“Don't stress, I doubt you'll be famous for longer than five minutes.”

I swallow, annoyed at my naivety. “Sure.”

“Besides, I know you. After a few drinks, you'll be more relaxed.” He pauses. “Maybe not so relaxed you're lying on the floor. If we could avoid that, it would help.”

“Ha bloody ha.”

Slightly stupefied, I allow him to lead me into the bright venue. To my dismay, I step onto a shiny tiled floor. Note to self: do not drink too much. Bright crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, out of place in the chrome and glass surroundings as they illuminate the square metal tables surrounded by plush chairs. Waiters walk around with flutes of champagne on trays and unidentifiable scraps of food. A crowd of beautiful people mingle, kisses floating in the air around.

I gaze up at the mezzanine floor, convinced I've spotted at least half of the latest reality TV stars in the two minutes since I arrived. Perspiration pools along my back despite the cool temperature. Again - what the hell am I doing here?

At least nobody looks at me.

“Bryn! Mia said you…” A middle-aged woman in a tight, short, white dress designed for women a lot younger than her, and covered in expensive diamond jewellery, halts as she sees me. “Oh. Introduce us!”

“Yvonne, this is Avery. Avery, Yvonne. PR lady extraordinaire who has arranged thislittle get-togetherfor her birthday.”

“Happy Birthday.” Why has my voice descended into a squeak?

Yvonne laughs and pushes Bryn's shoulder. “It's a big one for me, twenty-one again!” I mentally roll my eyes. Probably for the twenty-first time.

She continues to study me, as if categorising and ticking boxes in her head. “Well, aren't you just darling!” Yvonne air kisses me and waves goodbye with a manicured hand, back to circulating amongst her many guests.

“Does she mean Mia, the girl you told me about before? The one who is um..keenon you?” I ask.

“Yeah. Still doesn’t understand the word ‘no’. She wanted me to bring her here tonight.”

“Does she know you're bringing me?”

“She knows I'm bringing somebody.”

“Oh, God.” Images of ‘a woman scorned’ and a nasty scene involving me, Mia, and Bryn shudder across my mind.Avery, your stupidity knows no bounds.“Find me somewhere dark to sit.”

I shove Bryn in the direction of a quieter corner.

“Sure thing.” He wraps an arm around my waist and guides me to a table.

Each time Bryn touches me, I'm ready to collapse into him just so I can put my hands on his body to support myself. The strength in this man matched with his gentle nature send my mind wandering back to the image of his naked chest. I swear I'm obsessed by that image. I think about that moment at least twenty times a day. Sometimes more when I’m nodding off in boring classes.

“I don’t understand what’s going on between you and Mia, but you’ve made me part of it by bringing me here! That’s unfair, Bryn.”