Page 36 of Reverb


“They're an awesome band. I mean, your support acts are usually good, but these guys are something else.”

I picture Tegan and Ruby and the image isn't good. Tegan's temper matches mine, sweet as anything, but beware if you rub us up the wrong way.

No, the person I really picture is the underlying reason I'm hesitant about Tegan coming. Blond-haired rock god in training, Jax. He's developing an ego and a taste for girls, both getting bigger and less controlled. Jem and Dylan think it's funny, but they forget I watched them on the same trajectory.

“What will you do on tour for the two months we're away?” I ask.

“No idea.” She screws the lid on the bottle and examines her nails. “Whatever you find me to help out. I don't care. Would be cool to be on tour with both bands. Ruby Riot is getting big. I want to be in there at the beginning so I can tell everybody.”

“Access all areas?” I ask sarcastically.

“What are they like? Ruby Riot,” she asks, ignoring me.

“Like you said, talented.”

“No, Bryn, I mean what are theylike. Are they friendly?”

“Oh, yeah, a little too friendly.”

She giggles. “I guess they would be. Good-looking guys, rock stars… I bet they have lots of 'friends'.”

Tegan's emphasis on friends doesn't escape me and I narrow my eyes at her. Her eyes widen. “Oh! You think I'm going to hook up with one of them, don't you?”


She laughs. “You, big brother, are a rock star; and however much you tried to hide things from me, I know exactly what you’d get up to. That's not for me. I don't have time for guys who treat women the way some of you did. I'd like to see them try.”

“Yeah, well, tour details aren’t finalised yet; I'll let you know.” The fridge full of beer is calling so I stand.

Tegan stands too and brushes her skirt back into place. “Well, make sure my name's on whatever list it needs to be on.” She walks over, almost as tall as me in her heels, and then plants a kiss on my cheek. “See you later, big brother.”

I watch my not-so-little little sister head out of the room, battling the urge to follow Tegan and keep an eye on her night out. Then I shake my head, amused at not being invited, and how, even if I am a rock star, it's still uncool for her to hang around with me.

Pissed off by Tegan, I change my mind about the beer; a walk would help blow away thoughts of Hannah that keep intruding. I head back to my car to find the jacket I left in there. Leaning into the passenger seat to grab the jacket, something small on the floor catches my eye.

I pick the gold earring and dangle it between my fingers. Avery. Funny chick. Did I do the right thing there? I was drunk and intended to leave after the disastrous dinner when I could see I was wasting my time. I didn't think that through. I thought Avery would enjoy the joke; but the longer things went on, the less amused she seemed. I do stupid shit when I'm bored.

The kiss. Yeah, not a great idea either. To be honest, I only intended lips on lips to prove a point to Avery's friend, but the combination of beer in my system and her curves beneath my hands meant the kiss became too convincing. Avery’s enthusiasm surprised me, considering her earlier annoyance. At that point, I decided my presence in her evening was welcome after all and persuaded her to spend some time alone with me.

Was I interested in taking that further? A hook-up with another girl would be a sure-fire way to forget about Hannah for a night and I thought Avery was up for it until she hit the floor.

I can't remember the last time I've relaxed around a girl, and Avery amused me. Somebody made me laugh and I forgot all the shit going on around me for a few hours. The idea I could move on edged in; the right girl is out there. I half-thought I could meet Avery again but she wasn’t keen to catch up again. The next morning, her lack of interest in repeating the kiss was unmistakable. Avery couldn't wait to get away quick enough.

Maybe she saw through my motives.

Avery did the right thing. Broken-hearted guys don't treat girls nicely; good thing she wasn't sober or interested.

Looking at the grey clouds, I change my mind about the walk and head back from the cold evening into the warmth of my family home.