Page 30 of Reverb



I spin backto consciousness and open an eye as I roll over in bed and bury my face in the pillow.

This isn’t my pillow. Or my room.

Or my head because it bloody hurts and doesn’t feel connected to my body.

I sit and scan the room.

Or my boyfriend.

Bryn sits in an armchair opposite, in front of the heavy curtains of the hotel room—shirtless, ink decorating his powerful shoulders. If I could keep my eyes open without the light drilling into my brain, I’d take a better look at exactly how ripped this guy is. Instead, I glance at Bryn who’s focused on his phone before closing my eyes again.

“Shit!” I say.

He looks up. “Back to the land of the living,cariad?”

“Don’t call…” I give up and slump back. “Not really.”

“Still feel sick?” he asks.

“My head… What time is it?”


“Ugh.” Asking where I am would be logical, or getting the hell out of here. I subtlety check my clothes for intactness and, satisfied I haven’t spent a night having wild sex with a rock star, I close my eyes.

* * *


I groan and shift again to see Bryn leaning over me. Damn, he put his shirt on. “Shit, sorry. You want me to go?” I ask.

“It’s after twelve; won’t someone be worried about you?”

“My family probably think I stayed at a friend’s. I often stay out when I’m visiting my parents,” I mumble.

“Oh. Okay.” He sits on the edge of the bed.

“You look tired.”

“Slept there.” Bryn points at the small brown sofa. “Didn’t want you freaking out waking up in bed next to me.”

If I didn’t feel half-dead, I’m sure I’d have inappropriate thoughts at that comment but my head is banging. “I’m not naked. I’d be fine. You didn’t need to do that.”

Bryn’s phone beeps and he checks the screen. “For fuck’s sake!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. You want me to get you home?”

I inhale. “I might shower to wake me up.”

“Yeah, okay.”

I pull my leaden body and spinning head from the bed. “You want breakfast?” Bryn points to the plate of congealed eggs and bacon with a teasing grin.