Page 24 of Reverb



Light bouncesfrom the shiny tiled floor of the hotel lobby, and I squint as I attempt to stay upright when my shoes refuse to grip the floor. Gingerly, I head after Bryn who’s striding ahead to the opposite side of the lobby.

He pauses and turns back. One of the receptionists stares from her position behind the long check-in desk as Bryn heads over and takes my elbow.

“How drunk are you?” he asks.

“I’m not drunk! It’s the floor.”

“Uh, huh,” he says, with the smirk I’ve decided I’ll slap off his face if I see it once more this evening.

Bryn heads to a dim corner of the quiet bar and slides onto a black leather bench seat. I choose the uncomfortable metal chair opposite. Understated Christmas fairy lights adorn the small bar, but that’s the limit of Christmas-ness. Bryn grabs the laminated menu from the table.

“What do you want?”

“White wine will do.”

“Pfft. Cocktails. Look, let’s drink all the cocktails!”

I frown. “All of them?”

“The selection isn’t huge.”

“Neither is my capacity to hold alcohol. I’m only staying for one and then you’re calling that cab to take me home.”

“Don’t worry, Cinderella, I’ll have you home by midnight.” He taps the menu. “After a Blowjob.”

“What the hell? You’ll be lucky!” I shift my chair back to stand.

“No, here.” Bryn indicates a picture of a drink on the menu and bites down a smile.

“God! You’re so obvious. That’s not even funny.” I snatch the menu from him and peruse the pictures. I have no idea what any of them taste like so I point at one. “Whatever that one is. It’s pretty. Thanks.”

A few minutes later, Bryn returns with two glasses, one tall with the contents striped red and yellow, the other bright blue.

As he sits then picks his up, I giggle at the delicate drink in his broad hands.


“Cocktails. You.”

He shrugs. “Whatever. Drink up. There’re more to try.”

“I said I’m only staying for one.”

He pouts. “Okay.”

Strained Christmas music fills the uneasy silence and I gaze around the bar to avoid meeting his eyes. Why exactly am I doing this? Ego trip that Bryn Hughes wants to spend time with me? Hoping, he’ll kiss me again? I sip the potent mix and meet the eyes of a group of girls adorned in flashing festive jewellery, enjoying their own cocktails nearby. Yep, ego trip.

“So, you reckon Martin was jealous?” asks Bryn.

I look back. “Martin? Maybe. He made his choice though.”

“You think? I bet he wants you back.”

“I don’t wanthimback!”