Page 92 of Reverb



I lookat the plane ticket resting on the dining room table in front of me.

A flight to Paris. This weekend.

Is Bryn taking the piss after what he did and told me? We haven't spoken for two months and now this.

I pick up the card with trembling fingers and stare at his words.

I want to see you.

Does Bryn really think he can send plane tickets as a grand gesture and expect me to change my mind? I pull up the Blue Phoenix tour dates on my phone. Germany tonight and a concert in Paris next week.

I almost deleted his number the day I realised I'd inadvertently given Bryn my heart and he gave it back to me torn in two. He’s attempted to contact me a few times over the last six weeks but, angry and upset, I refused to answer.

Nothing could change what he told me and I’m not prepared to compete with his impossible ideal woman. Forgetting about him is easier. Theoretically. Ignoring him is no longer an option. I send Bryn a text.

There's no response for a couple of hours and eventually a message arrives while I’m eating dinner.

The phone rings less than a minute later, his name on my screen unleashing a flood of emotion. Shakily, I answer the phone.

“It's Bryn.”

“I know.”

“You got my gift then?”

“A nice gesture but I can't accept.”

“Why? I thought all girls wanted to go to Paris?”

“I don’t like big cities.”

“You live in London!”

“Other big cities,” I mutter, aware I’ve been caught out. I take a ragged breath. “Why are you doing this, Bryn?”

“Because I miss you. I want to see you.”

I struggle for a response to his forthright answer. “Right.”

“Cariad, come to France. Have some fun with me and let me talk to you. If after the weekend you feel the same as now, fine, but at least you've taken a holiday.”

I don't hear anything after he uses the word 'cariad'. “Don't call me that.”

“Avery, come and see me. Or are you scared of flying? You could get the train.”