Page 91 of Reverb



“Cerys said—”

“Jesus! Is everybody dissecting my life?”

“No, she's worried about you.” Tegan's face softens into concern. Have I been transparent about this without realising?

“Nobody needs to worry. I can sort my own shit out.”

“How were you with Hannah? That doesn't make sense! She left your life years ago.”

“We found each other again.”

Tegan shakes her head. “Pfft. Never liked her.”

“Only because she was taking up my time and you were a jealous little kid.”


I roll my eyes at her useless comeback.

“Which girl do you want?” she continues.

“Tegan! Bloody stop this!”

“Fine.” She brushes crumbs from her top. “Something is making you a miserable bastard. If you want my opinion—”

“Which I haven't asked for.”

“—decide if it's worth giving all your emotional energy to relationships you're not in, and find one you want to be in.” Tegan suddenly hugs me tightly. “The right person can give you energy instead of draining you—make the world a positive place. You deserve to be happy; find somebody who makes you love and laugh.”

“Thanks, Dr Phil.” I peel her arms from around my chest.

“Fine. I came to see if you’re joining us all this evening.”

“Yeah. Maybe.”

Tegan nods and heads for the door before pausing. She looks back at me. “Who do you dream about? Before you fall asleep and when you wake up in the morning, do you think about somebody? I do.”

“Goodbye, Tegan,” I say firmly.

She gives me a small wave before dragging open the heavy door and heading out. Before the door closes, Tegan pokes her head around. “I'm Team Avery. She made you smile. I saw the pictures.”

I throw the empty water bottle in Tegan's direction and it hits the door closing behind my interfering little sister and her home truths.

Team Avery?

So am I.