Page 85 of Reverb

“Is he a friend of yours?” I ask hoarsely.

“Acquaintance. Friend of Liam's really; they met when he was with Honey. He's not that bad a guy, usually.”

I grit my teeth at Bryn defending him. “So it's okay to talk to women like that?”

“No. It isn't.” He strokes my hair. “I won't let anybody talk to my girl like that. I swear if he said anything else, I'd fucking punch him.”

I'm about to tell Bryn what a bad idea that would be, when his words punch me. “Your girl?”

“You know you are.” Bryn's intense look tears the breath from my lungs. “The world thinks you are because I want them to. Now the guys know, this is serious to me. You're part of my life.”

I drag a heavy wooden chair from under the kitchen table and sink onto it. “Bryn, did you drink before we came here tonight?”

“No. I think it’s time we talked about what’s happening here.”

“What is happening?” I ask. “I’ve wanted to ask you, but…”

“I don’t want this to end when I go away. You make me happy—make me forget the shit in my life when we're together.”


“I’m telling the truth.” He sits opposite me and cups my face in both hands, stroking my cheeks with his thumbs.

I curl my fingers around Bryn's hands before he kisses me and blinds my common sense. “Then I need to hear the truth.”

“I just told you the truth.”

“No, about everything.” I pull my head back and meet his confused eyes.

“I don't understand.”

“This other girl, Bryn. Who is she? Where is she?”

He drags a hand through his curls. “She isn't you, or here, so she doesn't matter.” He places his lips on my forehead, on a spot between my eyes. “I don't want to talk about her,cariad.”

“I think we need to. After the things you said last week, I'm not sure that's true.”

Bryn switches to looking at a spot on the wall behind and confirms this.

“There's a week until you leave. We have decisions to make if we want this to be more and I need to know what I’m signing up for, because I don’t want to get hurt,” I tell him.

Bryn's shoulders sink. “The middle of a party isn't the best place for this.”

“When?” If Bryn is like every other guy I've met, he'll attempt to wriggle out of this by putting the conversation off to another time.

“We can meet up tomorrow and–”

“Tonight,” I interrupt. “I feel like I'm hanging. I need to know what's happening in there.” I touch his forehead with my finger.

Bryn catches my hand and kisses my palm. “So do I.”

He moves to place his mouth on mine and I put a hand on his chest. “You don’t get out of talking that way.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” he says with mock innocence.

“By kissing me until I lose all coherent thought. You know I forget my own name as soon as you do.”

“Ah. You now agree my kissing is awesome?”

“Like you ever doubted that. Stop changing the subject.”

Bryn rests his elbows on the table. “We can’t talk here, come back to mine.”