Page 83 of Reverb

Suddenly my refuge with Cerys is more uncomfortable than the room full of people.

“Sure.” Cerys takes the other square plate and gestures for me to go first. “The way Bryn looks at you, I'd say he wants more than casual. I mean, if you’re still around after you've had sex, you're doing better than most girls recently.”

“We've not…” I stop myself. I have no reason to tell Cerys this. “I don't want to get hurt.”

“Don't you see what he thinks of you when you look at him? I’ve seen how he looks at you and that look is more than casual. Besides, the whole time we've been in here, he keeps looking over.”

Mistakenly, I glance around. Bryn is positioned across the room in view of the kitchen and smiles as soon as our eyes meet.

She nudges me with her elbow. “See! And don't worry; the Bryn I know is a great guy, not a heartbreaker. I don't think he'd hurt you.”

“We're at a stalemate. He's holding something back and so am I.”

Cerys laughs. “Men say women are complicated but I don't think there's anything straightforward about them either.”

“Very true.” We step back into the room.

“Anyway, Bryn's been seen in public with you and now you're here, so I think you mean plenty to him,” she says matter-of-factly as the hubbub in the room prevents me responding.

I place the platter on the large dining table and turn, bumping into the group nearby. Somebody catches my arm and I turn around to face Cas James, English actor and perfecter of bad boy TV roles – werewolf, soap opera villain, biker, he's played them all and his star is rising straight into Hollywood skies.

Another one of my fantasy men, pre-Bryn.

What is this place? Some kind of hot guy hell where you’re sent to be tortured for having inappropriate thoughts about them?

“Hey, honey,” Bryn says to me then glances at Cerys. “Oops, sorry, shouldn't use that name around you.”

“Very funny,” she replies.

As Cerys introduces me to the group, Cas gives me his signature sexy smile that tugs one side of his mouth up, while dazzling me with his blue-green eyes. His mop of brown hair that accompanied his werewolf role is replaced with a shorter style. I gaze at his face and wonder if every man in the room was dipped in the same gene pool. There isn't one guy here with less than perfect features.

“Who are you with?” he asks, stumbling over his words slightly.

“Bryn.”Omigod, I'm in a room full of famous people, telling TV’s favourite bad boy that I'm dating a rock star.I fight the desire to giggle.

Avery. Stop it. These are ordinary people.

“Really?” he asks.

“My eyes are here,” I say to him with a well-used line. He lifts his drunken gaze from my chest.


Bryn appears at my shoulder. “Everything okay?”

“Hey, man.” Cas claps him on the shoulder. “Didn't mean to stare at her tits. I'm not a tits man usually—any bigger than a handful is a strain on the tongue, y’know?”

I inhale sharply and step back. “I am standing here,” I retort.

“That was rude,” says Bryn in a low voice. “Apologise.”

“I'm sure she's used to it,” he says breezily.

“How sensible do you think you are, insulting my girlfriend?” growls Bryn.

Cas holds his hands up and stumbles back. “Hey! How is saying she has awesome tits an insult?”

“Leave things, Bryn,” I say, wanting the conversation over. I curl my hand around his sleeve.