Page 63 of Reverb

“I'm the drummer, remember? They won't recognise me unless I'm with Dylan or Jem.” His eyes flick to where the top of my breasts are exposed by leaning forward. “Or if they've had the pleasure of my company before.”

With sticky fingers, I pull my shirt into a more modest position and Bryn meets my unimpressed look with an amused one as he bites the corner of his lip. Bryn's clearly had a few drinks, his face is flushed and eyes not focused.

He opens his mouth to say something.

“Jesus, Avery! How many did you break?” Ben appears at my shoulder, flicks a look between me and Bryn, and hands over a dustpan and brush. “I got you this.”

Pink with the spectacle I'm creating, I bend back down to sweep up the shards. A barmaid appears and gives me a sour look, before grabbing the brush from me.

“Sorry,” I say quietly.

“Doesn't matter.” She looks at Bryn and pushes her dark brown fringe from her eyes, presumably attempting to figure out who he is. But whoever's behind Bryn at the table catches her attention more. “Oh! Are you friends with Ruby Riot?”

Bryn gives her a drunken grin. “Yeah. Want an intro? Was gonna introduce Avery to the boys too.”

He winds a too-friendly arm across my shoulder and whispers. “Told you nobody would recognise me.”

Ruby Riot. I've heard a couple of tracks by the band on nights out and I know they gig a fair bit around here, but I've never paid attention or seen them. The guitarist studies at UCL. I think. I have a friend, Amy, who semi-stalks him; she'll be furious she wasn't with me tonight. How does Bryn feel that he's unrecognised as the drummer from Blue Phoenix but a less-famous band are instantly spotted?

Bryn propels me to his table. “Hey, guys. This is Avery.”

A blond guy, with a girl attached to him, gives me a nod, as if an introduction isn't necessary. Two other guys, identical, black, spiked hair and less-than-sober looks blink at me before returning to their conversation with the attentive girls they're with.

A quick look at the three of them and I can spot which is the guy Amy lusts after. The blond. Attractive guy, captivating blue eyes that lock you into his trajectory, and an ego to match his looks judging by the slow smile he gives me. Jax, I think his name is, not that anybody is about to introduce themselves to me. Bryn sits and pats the edge of the bench next to him, indicating I should sit.

“Are you Bryn's chick?” asks Jax.

“No!” I reply and glance at Bryn.

“I told you; she's my almost girlfriend.”

Told him and the rest of London.

“Right.” He looks from me to Bryn. “What's one of those?”

“Avery's one of those.”

“Nah, I mean what does she do.”

Bryn rubs his cheek and I steel myself for his answer. Why did I agree to let him introduce me to his friends? Oh right, I didn't. “We date but not really. Mostly. I kissed her. Twice. I'm not sure she liked it. Too much tongue, I think.” He snorts to himself and drinks.

At what point did I indicate I didn't like his kiss?

“You're drunk, Bryn,” I mutter.

“You're very observant,cariad.” He knocks back his remaining beer.

One of the guys with spiked black hair arches his pierced brow and studies me with renewed interest. I step back, indignation pushing out the embarrassment. “I think I should leave.”

“Aww, Avery Paige, I'm teasing. I'm happy to see you.” Bryn catches my hand and grips, the strength crushing my fingers.

“Bryn, leave me alone,” I hiss.

“Please? I liked you. Like you. Have a drink with us.”

A girl sitting to the right of Bryn gives me a look, which makes the one the barmaid gave me friendly. I count the number of girls around the table. Four guys, four girls. The blonde girl next to Bryn places a hand on his thigh and continues to give me a proprietary look.

My stomach lurches and when I don't look away, she shifts around and places a hand on his chest. Bryn doesn't respond but he also doesn't stop her.