Page 57 of Reverb

“Caitlin. Two years younger. Pain in the arse.” I smile. “Sometimes.”

“I'm with you on that one.” He tips his head. “So, you're back at uni? What do you study? I forgot.”

“Teaching. Start my on the job training later this year, if I pass my exams.”

“Ah, that's right, telling naughty boys what to do.” Bryn's eyes shine and he drops his gaze to my mouth.

No, no, don't get sexual.

“What are you doing now?” I ask.

“Rock star things. Smart subject change.”

“Rock star things?”

“Yeah, wasting time, drinking too much and… other stuff.” Bryn drains his glass. “The odd tour rehearsal.”

“When does that kick off?”

“27th. Portugal. We're only away a couple of months though; we're finishing the European leg we had to cancel last year after the dramas with the other guys.”

“Then back to England?”

“Yeah, maybe. Haven't decided yet. I had a long break last year. I need something to occupy my time.”

“Nice problem to have.”

Bryn sits forward and tops up his glass. “Not really. Remember what I said the first night we met? Everything's changing; the band are all getting serious and growing up.”

“People change.”

Bryn looks away. “Yeah.”

Something's touched on again that I can't comprehend; a sadness beneath the humour. Isn't that what people say? The ones readiest with a laugh and joke are often the ones hurting.

“I'm sure you'll find the right girl too,” I suggest.

“I did. Well, I thought I had.” He shakes his head. “Why am I talking to you about this? Not the best way to impress a girl.”

“But I'm not a girl you need to impress; talk to me about whatever you want, Bryn.”

For a long moment, Bryn regards me. “You know what? I think I can.”

Unsure what to think about this response, I drink my wine, uncomfortable by the pause in our conversation. Eventually, Bryn twists to face me. “Are you still upset about tonight?”

“You tricking me into going to your ‘small party’, you mean?”

“You didn't enjoy it at all?” He purses his lips.

“Not really.” I sip my wine. “I don't like crowds, especially not ones I feel out of place in.”

“Right. No more big parties on future dates.”

He picks up a remote and leans across the sofa, extending his arm to switch on the entertainment system behind him. The action shifts up his grey shirt and reveals Bryn's lower back. I sit on my hands before I'm tempted to touch or drool on him. As the wine swirls around my system, I debate whether to ask if he's interested in the hot, dirty sex he mentioned.

Damn my self-respect for stopping me.

“You okay?” he asks as he turns back. “You've got that weird look on your face again.”