Page 39 of Reverb


“I was! I'm not a groupie!”

“I'm teasing. I know you wouldn't stalk me. Happy New Year,cariad.”

“Happy New Year, mountain man.”

“Having fun?”

“Explaining where you are, yes.”

He pauses.Crap. Talking to famous people must include etiquette that doesn’t include a sharp tone. “I told you I’m in London and couldn’t come.”

Taylor teeters in my direction, party popper ribbon trailed in her hair. “Who are you talking to? Your rock star?” she asks snidely.

“Yes, I am, actually.”

“Of course you are...” She pulls a 'don't lie to me' face and trip toward the Ladies.

“Was that bitchface?” asks Bryn.


“Why are you with her again?”

“I'm out with the old gang, but that's it after tonight. I've had enough. I'm leaving in a couple of days, going back to London.”

“You live in London? You never said.”

“You never asked.”

“You don't sound too happy about coming back.”

“No job. No money. But I think it'll be easier to find a couple of weeks work in the city.”Dream on, Avery.

“Oh, that's right. You lost your job, didn't you? The soup.” I can practically hear him smirking.

“Tell me, why are you on your own, Bryn Hughes, rock star?” I ask, eager to change the subject.

“Wasn't in the mood, stayed home with my pizza and Xbox.”

That is as far removed from what I'd expect of a rock star on New Year’s Eve as I can imagine. Next, he'll tell me he crochets in his spare time. “On your own? Nobody should be alone on New Year’s Eve.”

“Rat dog is with me.”


“And beers. Although I think I drank them all.” That explains why he wants to talk to me. “If you'd said you live in London, I'd have arranged a date.”

I laugh. “Of course you would.”

“Seriously, I could do with one.”

“You can do better than an inept waitress.”

Bryn chuckles. “But that's why, because you're funny. And cute.”

Cute.The teasing tone is back. “You know that's not true.”