Page 27 of Reverb

Wanted to see me again?I sip the cocktail through a straw as my throat tightens. Bryn’s expression is one of genuine concern.

“It was kind of funny,” I admit.

“See!” says Bryn triumphantly and slaps his hand on the table. “I knew you liked me being there.”

“Tonight has been… interesting.”




I shake my head with a smile, dismissing once again the annoying memory of his kiss. “Fun.”

“Cool.” Apparently satisfied, he leans back in his seat and drains his glass.

I glance at the umbrella in Bryn’s hair. “You’re a surprise. I thought you’d have a bigger attitude. Like after the soup incident.”

“I’m no different than anybody else.”

“Sure you’re not, millionaire rock star Bryn Hughes.”

Bryn scrunches his nose. “Yeah, my life is different to normal but that doesn’t stop me being who I am. I don’t buy into all that ‘sex, drugs, and rock n roll’ shit.”


He sips his drink. “Not recently. At your age, I did. What guy wouldn’t in my position? But I always worried our life would change back any minute. Everything seemed too good to be true and I took a while to go with the flow.”

“You’re the sensible one?” I ask incredulously.

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” He grins. “I was heading to uni. I did A levels and everything, just in case the band didn’t work out.”

“To do what?”

“No idea, I never got that far. Blue Phoenix took over.”


“Huh? You didn’t think I was a smart guy?”

“I don’t know you.”

“Yes, you do. I’m Bryn Hughes, the hot as hell drummer from Blue Phoenix and your date for this evening.” He flourishes his hand in the air.

I tip my head. “So you hide behind him?”

“I don’t hide.”

“I wonder who the real Bryn Hughes is?” I ask, surprised at the bold statement. Alcohol and my mouth are never a good combination.

Bryn picks up the menu. “Next choice?”

My stomach churns and suddenly the decision to drink a cocktail with cream after one with extremely strong spirits hits me as unwise.

“I think I need to use the bathroom,” I say and climb off the chair.

Bryn scratches his cheek as he watches me steady myself on the table. Thank God, this room is carpeted and my shoes can’t slide. My ability to focus left around the second cocktail because I have no clue where I’m going.