“I can recognise doubt in a guy’s eyes when I see it.”
Of course. I turn in my chair so our conversation is better hidden. “When you said you had different tastes, did you mean…um…”
“Did I mean I’m gay?” He studies my mouth and rubs a finger along his lips “Is that what you think?” Bryn hits me with a look that grabs my lungs and squeezes the breath out, simultaneously projecting images of my mouth on his. Crap. I drag my eyes away.
“I don’t know you, sorry.”
“Not gay, Avery,” he says. “Just stupid.”
Bryn ignores my response and slaps both hands on the table in front of him. “I agree. I’d love to come back for a drink with you guys.”
“Seriously?” I ask.
“I haven’t had nearly enough fun yet,” Bryn says and stands.