Page 90 of Falling

“How’s your friend?” asks Bryn.

“Shit, sorry, Sky, I haven’t even asked,” says Dylan.

I shake my head to tell them not to ask anymore.

Bryn peers into the hallway of the hospital to where Steve continues his phone call then quietly closes the door. “This shit ends now, Dylan.”


“This fucked up mess. Not just you. This. I’ve arranged to all meet while he’s not around.” He tips his head toward Steve.


“Tomorrow morning. Jem’s sober-ish; I think he’s in shock from what happened to you. Two deaths in his life would’ve been the end of his sanity I reckon.”

“Jem?” I ask. “Was he there?”

“Yeah, we were drinking together. If I hadn’t been with Jem, I would’ve been on my own.”

The vision of Dylan alone in his hotel room, unaware what he’d done to himself and nobody knowing he was… I gulp in breath at how easily I could’ve lost him—and how close I came.

“I’m leaving hospital this afternoon,” begins Dylan.

“Are you sure? Are you okay?” I ask.

“Things could’ve been worse. I was lucky Jem realised I’d more than passed out drunk. He was straight onto getting me to the hospital and sorted. So, yeah, doctors are not happy I want to leave, but I’m not in any danger.”

I look to Bryn and he nods. “Lucky for Dylan that Jem had a sixth sense about this.”

I sit on my shaking hands, not wanting another reminder of what could’ve been.

“Is your gear at the hotel?” Bryn asks me.


“Okay, I’ll catch up with you later.” He turns to Dylan. “You might want to get more details from Steve about the Lily situation. I’m guessing Sky will want to go back to her friend as soon as she can.”

Bryn’s ability to read the situation, including my need to go back to Tara amazes me. I’m not used to guys being this intuitive.

“Yeah, okay,” says Dylan.

“Get Steve’s help before we piss him off.” Bryn arches a brow and Dylan doesn’t respond. “I guess you’re staying with Dylan, summer Sky?”
