Page 63 of Falling

"If I had my way, you'd never go back to that flat. I know you don't want to.”

"And you do realise the more you show me the rock star life, the more tempting it is to run away with you? In fact, just leave me here; I'll be good to live on your island for a few months."

"Maybe we both should," I say, wishing that was possible.

"Perhaps start somewhere a little lower key. Like sometimes I stay at your place, sometimes you stay at mine.”

“I’m touring soon, remember? This will never be ordinary, Sky."

"Of course. Because you're not ordinary.”

Oh no, don’t fall out of the bubble.“And you..." I hoist her over my shoulder. "Are extraordinary."

"And I'm dressed!"

I sink backwards into the water and she grips my neck, trying to keep her head above water, so I grip her waist in case she goes under.

"What is it with you needing me wet all the time?" she asks, sitting on the sand in the shallow water.

The word wet isn’t one she should use when I’m fighting down the urge to drag her back to bed. Or to the beach. Or anywhere, I guess since there’s no one around. "Be careful what you're saying."

The Sky pink creeps onto her face, of course. The water is waist deep where we sit, and she wraps her legs around mine. I pull her onto my knee, dragging my damp fingers through her hair as I pull my face closer.

“I love you,” I say, willing her to say the words I need to hear

Sky runs her hands across my shoulders, fingers playing around the nape of my neck as she kisses me. “I love you, Dylan. I’m scared what will happen but I can’t imagine not being with you. This can work, right?” she asks, blue eyes searching mine.

This is what I needed to hear—the words that allow me to forgive myself and know I’m worth more than the man I thought I was. “Us? Yeah. I’ll do everything I can not to fuck this up again.”

“Don’t be hard on yourself, Dylan. Life doesn’t suddenly become what you want just because you decide things should be that way.”

“Yeah, I guess.”

Sky puts her warm, wet hands on my cheeks and kisses me slowly and softly; I part my lips eagerly waiting for a deeper kiss, but she rests her head on mine instead. “You are an amazing, giving person with a lot of baggage. We can work on dumping that baggage because we don’t need that kind where we’re going.”

“Where’s that?”

“Well, apparently touring the States and then after that… we’ll see?”

Life is taking a new direction with Sky steering me towards a new path; one we can follow together. There’s an us when I never thought there would be again. I squeeze Sky to me, wishing I could absorb her into me so we’d never have to be apart.