He focuses on his food. “My dad left when I was eleven, and my mum died four years ago and both things happened at Christmas.”
“I’m sorry about your mum.” I reach across the table and squeeze his hand. He curls his fingers around mine and rubs them with his thumb. “Do you have any other family back in St Davids?”
“Not really. I don’t have a brother or sister, and just my gran is left. I haven’t seen her for a few years either; not since Mum’s funeral.”
“You don’t go back to St Davids and visit her?”
He chews on his bottom lip. “I don’t go back there anymore. Too many memories.”
This is the first time we’ve spoken about anything outside of the intensity of us, and the crazy events around our relationship. More than just the real world was missing from our Broadbeach bubble; our past was too. Dylan mentioned this past with the shells on the first morning we were together, and that was the point I first saw a connection to him. His sadness that morning is apparent now too.
“What are your plans, Sky?” he asks, stabbing a solitary piece of asparagus.
“Plans for when?”
“The next week, months, years. Your future.”
“Because I’m interested. In case I can be part of that.”
I shrug and poke at the food. What are my plans? In the days after the breakup, I went back in my mind to remember what I planned to do as a kid. Temporary admin job wasn’t on the list. Ballerina is out and I don’t want to be a teacher anymore. The fantasist inside would like to write, but I doubt I’d be much good.
“I might study.”
“To do what?”
“Marine biologist.”
“No! I haven’t a clue, Dylan.”
The waiter interrupts to ask if we’re enjoying our food then stalks off after I make a comment about portion size.
“I haven’t any idea either,” says Dylan.
“You’re a musician. That’s what you do.”
“Yeah, can’t imagine doing anything different but I can’t stay around the band. I’m leaving after the tour.”
Now I am shocked. “Not easy after all this time.”
“I’ll still write. Might do something solo. Get a new manager.”
“That’s a lot all at once.”
“Hmm. Maybe. Fallout will be a huge bunch of fun. Dylan Morgan, wrecking Blue Phoenix.”
“I think Jem might have that one covered. I take it he’s not sober yet?”
“No, and the company he keeps doesn’t help.”
“His girlfriend’s hangers-on. She’s okay, apart from sharing his addictions, but others around them are sucking the life and money out of him.”
“Wow, I almost feel sorry for him.”