Page 60 of Frayed Trust

My tone was pathetic, downright begging her to understand. I wanted to tell her everything about the current mission, but there were lines I couldn’t cross. Telling her about things our team had done in the past would put us at risk, would put previous intelligence at risk, and worst of all, it would put her at risk. Not to mention the fact that Shan would kill me if I breathed a word of our prior attempt at infiltration of Kylan Jitara’s organization.


She stormed away from me to serve the VIP tables and I had to grit my teeth to stop from begging her to come back. I wasn’t helping Shan out in this state, though, so I sat my ass back down at my booth and let him deal with it himself. He stayed outwardly calm until Jude left in a huff. Then he made his way up to me, avoiding eye contact with Freya.

“She’s not pleased, is she?” he asked, sliding into the same side of the oval booth that I was on.

I tried to move away from him, but he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and kept me close to his side. Eventually, I stopped squirming. “It’s your fault,” I said accusingly. “She asked about Jude. Why the hell was he talking with you? It’s been years since that operation.”

He shrugged. “Holds a grudge, I guess. One hell of an asshole about it, too.”

It felt like he was lying. But why would he? Shan never lied to me.

“You didn’t tell her anything, did you?” he asked.

Shoving away from him, I slid around the booth to the other side. He didn’t deserve comfort from me. “I’m going to. She needs to know what we’re doing here. It concerns her. I won’t tell her about the past, and I didn’t tell her about Jude. But I’m going to tell her about the present.”

“Do that and you’re fired. In jail.”

“Then fire me and put me in jail. I won’t keep doing this. It’s eating us alive. Can’t you see it?”

Shan went quiet, gaze trailing over to where Freya was serving a table of rowdy fae men. She felt his eyes on her back and took the time to give him the finger over her shoulder. I was pretty sure she started flirting with the men, too, purely out of spite. “I’m trying to do the right thing. She’s not safe.”

“We’re past the point of her being safer in the dark. Freya will find out, and she’ll put herself in danger to do it.”

We both watched her work. It was impossible to avoid staring at her pale, soft legs. Especially since I’d spent time between those thighs. “Wait for Em to get back,” Shan said after a few minutes. “See what being back here triggers for him. If there aren’t any new revelations, we can tell her together. There’s a slim chance that Knoxwell won’t find out and fire us. We can bet on that.”

“I trust her. Any new revelations won’t change that,” I said. “But fine, I’ll wait if it means we can tell her together.”

He was tense and as upset as I still was with him for continually pushing her away; I slid back to cuddle against his side. The warmth of his body comforted me and we sat in companionable silence until Freya stormed back over to us. Stunning purple eyes burned with rage and she slammed a beer down on the table. “Stop looking at me,” she hissed. “You two are fucking creepy. People keep asking if you’re my husbands.”

“Tell them we are. It’ll keep them off your back,” Shan said.

“What if I want them on my back? I bet they’re better in bed than you,” she said venomously.

I tried to hide my jealousy, but it was a losing battle. I’d begged Shan to give me a play-by-play of their hate fuck, but he’d refused to give details. My lips turned out into a pout.

“You and I both know that’s not true,” he replied. He’d put on his dominant tone, the one that made me instantly hard and desperate to bend over for him. Apparently, it didn’t have quite the same effect on Freya.

“Oh? You sure? Why don’t I go test my theory?”

My back went stiff and so did his. As I started to beg her not to, he reached out to grab her upper arm and pull her down close so no one could overhear. “If you do that, you’ll be killing someone. Sleep with anyone other than Cas and I, and they’re as good as dead. Keep that in mind. I’m not fucking kidding.”

He released her as quickly as he’d grabbed her, leaving both of us stunned. It took a few seconds for me to blink away the haze in my eyes, but when I did, I got out of the booth. “I need to go to the washroom. I’ll be back in… well, it won’t take long.”

I left to rub one out in the VIP washroom, Freya storming off in the opposite direction.

The scent of her arousal lingered, though, telling me that Shan got her as hot and bothered as he got me.

Chapter 24


Knowingtheywerebackand not going anywhere made me lighter. I was still frustrated about the lack of information in my hands and their reluctance to trust me, but I couldn’t blame Caspian. Shan was a different story, but he left the club shortly after Caspian got back from the washroom. Probably to have another clandestine meeting at Bloodshed Brewing with Jude. Did Caspian know about that? He didn’t seem to be hiding anything when we spoke about it and his skills at withholding information weren’t as good as his boss’.

I was grateful when the night was over and I was heading out the back door of the club into the alley. Better to exit this way when a vampire might attack me.

Instead of a vampire, Cas was standing out back, leaning against the brick exterior with a grin. He’d left when the club closed with everyone else. Hadn’t gone far, apparently.