Page 48 of Frayed Trust

I couldn’t finish my thought because it was too much of a long shot to think about. “That she’s vetting us to be her Alphas?” Shan finished for me. “Or you, at least. Yeah, I think that. She’s got to be getting weaker, though if she’s this strong when weakened, I’m intrigued to see her at full power.”

My heart pounded heavier in my chest. Being an Omega’s Alpha had been so far outside the realm of possibility that I’d never entertained the idea. At best, I’d pondered settling down with a Beta or Alpha when I decided I was done with this job. In my weak moments, I’d imagined what it would be like if Shan and Emmett loved me back.

“Do you think I’ll pass her tests?”

Shan scoffed, coming over to me and grabbing my chin in his hand. The grip was tight enough to force me to look at him. “If you don’t pass her tests, she’s clearly blind and dumb.”

“You shouldn’t call her that.”

He rolled his eyes. “And that’s why she would be blind and dumb. You would go to the ends of the Earth for the woman if she asked you to. I’m surprised you didn’t blurt out all of our secrets while you were on your date last night. Or did you?”

“I didn’t tell her any secrets,” I mumbled with a blush.

“You will the next time.”

Now that I couldn’t deny. There was a strong chance I would. Hiding things from her felt wrong, especially when we knew one of her secrets. A secret for a secret — it should be a fair trade. Shan would have had his suspicions when we talked to Matthias, which explained why he’d pressed for information so harshly. It didn’t explain why he wouldn’t tell me about Freya being an Omega before our date, but I had a feeling I knew his reasoning.

It had to have been for my benefit. So I wouldn’t have to spend the night lying to Freya about knowing her secrets, and I wouldn’t be sad about her not telling me. Because I was a little sad she didn’t think I was trustworthy enough, but after our night together, I was confident we would get there.

“Unfortunately, this complicates our mission significantly. Jitara has probably already been informed that we’re protecting her, so we’re targets. Not what Director Knoxwell had in mind when he put us in semi-undercover. If we were smart, we would distance ourselves from her and let her deal with Jitara herself, or with the help of whoever the murderer is. I’m still convinced they’re connected to each other somehow.”

“Let me guess. We’re not smart?”

“Not with Freya.”

Thank the gods for that, because I didn’t think I would leave her to fend for herself, no matter what Shan ordered me to do.

“This means we’re going to tell her what’s going on, right?”

He sighed and pulled back from me, releasing my jaw. I would take that as a no. Shan knew I wouldn’t be able to hold my tongue forever, but he wanted me to hold it for as long as possible, apparently. I couldn’t see the harm in telling her bits and pieces. What was he seeing in her that was such a threat to our mission?

“We need to find out her association with the murderer before we tell her everything,” he said. “If we tell her too soon and she tells our assassin everything… we’re fired. Maybe in prison. Possibly dead. None of them are wonderful outcomes. If it turns out the murders are happening around her purely out of coincidence, then we can tell her everything, even though it’s against protocol.”

“So we’re right back where we started. Needing to find a killer who’s extremely good at covering their tracks before Jitara finds them first.”


“And have we had any leads?”

His grunt told me the answer was no. Freya was our only link. If we asked her, maybe she would know something? Shan would never go for my plan when he didn’t trust her. But maybe if he did…

“You should tail Freya,” I said. It drew his attention away from the bowl of cereal he was pouring at our little kitchenette. “That way, you’ll see she has nothing to do with the killer and you can keep her safe at the same time.”

“Not what I expected to hear from you. How do you think she’ll feel about a tail?”

Smirking, I slid in beside him and stole the milk before he could pour it in. Shan always ate boring, healthy cereal — Bran Flakes and Oatmeal Crisp. I pulled my Cinnamon Toast Crunch out of the tiny hotel cupboard and shook some into a bowl before adding the milk. He was giving me the look that told me I would get a spanking later. “I’m not the one who’ll have to deal with her wrath when she finds out. You’re the one who’s going to be stalking her.”

His gaze darkened, and I noticed the muscles in his arms flexing. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like the first time they had sex with each other. Maybe it would resemble a battle royale, a fight to the death? Or, in that case, fight to the orgasm. She wouldn’t lie down and take anything from him and Shan compulsively needed to be in control.

“We should do it in shifts.”

“Nope. You’re the one that needs to trust her. I already do.”

“I keep telling you, you shouldn’t.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that I do. If she felt comfortable telling us she was an Omega, she would. I think she’s working up to telling us. Why else go on a date with me? She even let me eat her out and come to think of it… I’ve never seen anyone get that wet before. If you’d told me about the possibility of her designation before, it would have been obvious.”

The arousal in the air thickened as he imagined what I had experienced, and I got the feeling the spanking would happen a lot closer to now than later.