“Maximum one month is the estimate they gave me.” Emmett chuckled. “I have to say, even with how long it’s taken, I appreciate them being thorough. I’d rather not drop dead, and I’m much easier to kill than you are.”
“Not as easy to kill as I am,” I commented, briefly popping off of Shan’s cock.
His hand came down to wind in my hair and force me back down, hips bucking off the seat. I let out a whine, pleased he was finally releasing a little of the chaotic man I only knew in the bedroom. Or in this case, in the front seats of our company-rented SUV.
“You’re not easy to kill, Caspian. Too pretty. No one wants to kill an incubus,” Emmett said. “And if you were in dire circumstances, you could make them lust for you. You won’t get killed by someone who wants to drop to their knees and suck your cock.”
“That is a valid point,” Shan answered, making it obvious that my mouth was once again occupied.
“I don’t particularly want to be around for the grand finale, so call me later, yeah? I’ll do what I can from here, but you know how shit I am at investigative work.”
He hung up before we could give him a response, which turned out to be the perfect moment. Shan had turned into the underground hotel parking and put the car in park, giving him two hands to grab my head and hold me in place. His grunts were coming more often now as he fucked up into my mouth, using me for his pleasure. I loved to be used and he was happy to oblige. “Swallow every fucking drop,” he growled, thrusting up one more time before coming.
A lesser being may have choked or not been able to swallow before cum dribbled down the sides of his thick cock. I managed to expertly gulp down the liquid and the explosion of magical energy that came with it. As expected, my release hit me like a truck, my tortured moan around Shan’s cock almost making me fuck up and miss some of his cum.
There was a wet spot on my jeans when Shan used my hair as a handle to pull me up, the thick fabric soaked through with my release. His lips slammed against mine, bruising, tasting himself on my tongue. I tried to kiss back but could hardly match his intensity when I was this cum drunk. Every time I fed from him, I ended up dazed and flustered. Before our relationship had developed this way, back when I’d been feeding on random strangers who wanted to go for a ride with an incubus, energy had never hit me this hard. Only his and Emmett’s made me this buzzed, kept me topped up for this long.
“She got you this starving?” Shan muttered when he pulled back, noting how my cock was still hard, my hand still resting on his length and nursing him back to hardness.
“Are you saying you wouldn’t be horny if she kissed you?”
Pulling back from me, he grunted noncommittally and slid his pants back into place, buttoning them up. Instead of answering, he got out of the car and moved to the other side, opening my door for me. Usually, he left me to my own devices, but when I was horny like this, he turned into a stoic gentleman. He redid my pants because I couldn’t be bothered and unlatched my seatbelt, hauling me up. I let myself lean on him even though I didn’t need the help to stand.
Human contact did something for me that simple sex never could. It was the reason that I’d agreed so readily to only feeding from Shan and Emmett whenever we were on active assignment. Shan claimed it was to ensure I couldn’t be manipulated by a target, or something equally practical. I didn’t fucking care, so long as it meant he granted me permission to see this other side of him. As soon as I’d fed from him the very first time, I’d been hooked.
I had a feeling the same would happen with Freya if she ever gave me a chance.
Chapter 7
Shanheldontomeuntil we were safely up the stairs and in our shared hotel room. One king size bed sat in the middle of the room, sheets rumpled how we’d left them in the morning. Not much else was in the space, only a small wardrobe and an ancient TV on a stand, a nightstand on either side of the bed. The wallpaper in this room was damn near bad enough to knock me out of the mood, the print reminding me of the fashions of a hundred years ago. I hadn’t been a fan, personally. Still wasn’t.
All thoughts of the wallpaper fled my mind when I found myself sprawled on the unmade bed. Shan had pushed me onto it, his gentle touch gone for the moment. I’d had my time to recover from the wash of endorphins feeding from him had brought me.
Now I would get my punishment for nearly fucking up our mission. I couldn’t deny that I was looking forward to it.
“You’re impulsive,” Shan said, leaving me on my back on the bed while he wandered to the wardrobe and opened the bottom drawer.
My gaze couldn’t focus on anything but his ass. I barely heard him speaking. It was cupped perfectly by the dark wash blue jeans he was wearing tonight, but I wanted to see him without those. Watching his muscles clench and flex as he moved was one of my favourite pastimes.
“I know why they paired me with you when you started here. They knew I’d be the only one who could keep you in line. Clean up your messes. I doubt they imagined I’d be cleaning up messes in your jeans, but I’ve learned you respond best to sexual lessons.”
“The mess in my pants was your fault, not mine,” I rebutted.
His back went stiff like I’d known it would. When he stood to his full height and turned around to face me again, there was irritation sparkling in his eyes. “Was it now?” He growled.
As he stalked closer to me, I watched the tension in his muscles, predicting when he would strike. I was ready when he leaned over me, one hand pressed to the mattress beside my head and the other on my throat. With my breathing restricted, my hands instinctively went up to grab at his muscular arm, but I wasn’t trying that hard. This was what I craved. Ultimate submission. Shan holding my life quite literally in his hands. I hadn’t been kidding about being the easiest to kill on our team. If he decided he was done with me, it would only take one sharp movement of his hands to snap my neck and I’d pass out. Then he could kill me whichever way he liked.
“You need to take responsibility for your actions, you little brat.”
I tried to nod, tears burning in my eyes as I strained to buck my hips against his weight. The inside of my pants was a mess, my release making me a wet, sticky disaster. It should be uncomfortable, but all that was uncomfortable was the way my cock was pressing against the confines of my pants.
Shan’s hand released my throat, and I sucked in a gasping breath, but whined when he instead moved to keep my hips down on the bed. He found perverse pleasure in denying me friction when it was all I wanted. The noise I made was desperate and keening, but he only smirked.
“If you won’t take responsibility, I’ll at least show you that there are consequences.”
In one smooth motion, he had me flipped over onto my hands and knees, jeans and briefs slid down to expose my ass. He didn’t take them off, leaving my legs bound so I couldn’t move them. Then there was a loud crack followed shortly by a blooming of pain on my backside.