Page 27 of Say It's Me

"Can we just run away?"

I feel his chest vibrate with laughter before he places a hand on either side of my face and pulls me back. Searching my face for signs of actuality, I watch as his hopeful gaze lands on my mouth.

"Kiss me, August." The request leaves my mouth on a breathy plea. I truly love this man, and I don’t want him to go.

Leaning down, he takes my lips in his in a slow, sensual embrace. His tongue tenderly strokes mine, and I can't help but wonder if this man's touch will forever make me weak in the knees. He kisses like an adonis and fucks me like a god. I don't want to let him go. I just want to stay in this moment. Unfortunately, I know I need to face my reality. Reluctantly I pull back, and as I do, he catches my chin and peers down into my eyes.

"Baby, I'll follow you anywhere. When this is over, let's go away for a while, you and me." I nod in agreement, pushing up on my tippytoes to place one more kiss on his lips before we walk hand in hand up to Mason's door.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, baby. I'm sorry I can't be here for you right now."

I know what he's saying. He wishes he could be there when I speak to my family, but it's probably better that he's not. Sharing parts of my life with August doesn't bother me, but everything is still raw. It's probably better that I have this conversation on my own.

"I'll be here when you get back." It's on the tip of my tongue to ask him to stay, but not for reasons he'll like. However, if I've learned anything, it's that you never know what cards you're going to be dealt, so I do say one last thing:

"August, maybe you could stay. I don't think we need to go after Ethan."

I can tell my words have caught him off guard as his eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and he rolls his lips, no doubt contemplating his next words.

"Gianna, I've told you everything that happened over the past week. The conversations Mason overheard, the plotting and planning that went into trying to keep us apart, not to mention my drugged capture. I don't understand why you feel this way, and as much as I want to discuss this with you and hear you out, now is not the time. I really have to go." He leans in and presses a swift kiss to my lips before catching my eye and saying, "I love you, baby. Let me take care of this. Let me take care of us." My heart stumbles over those three little words. Last night when he told me that he loved me, not only were we in the middle of sex, but we were extremely exhausted. I didn’t say it expecting him to return the sentiment, and a small part of me considered that he might have said it out of obligation. This is why I’m at a loss for words because I know now that this man loves me without a doubt. My tongue feels heavy in my mouth, while my heart feels like it might beat out of my chest. Before I can respond, he's taking off down the stairs.

Once he's out of sight, I muster up the strength to knock on the door. When Mason answers, the look on his face seems remorseful, but that can't be it, because how could he feel sorry for me after all I’ve done to him.

“Hey, Mace.” I squeak out, my voice way too high-pitched to hide my nerves. I’m anxiously wringing my hands when he throws the door wide open to let me in. Walking inside, I notice the place is pretty bare-bones, which makes sense given everything that has happened. I expected to see my mom and Elio right away, but they are nowhere in sight.

"Where are my mom and Elio? When I turn to Mason, I notice he is still standing by the door, blankly staring at me.Great.

Pointedly raising my eyebrows at him in question, seems to snap him out of his trance. I watch as he runs his fingers through his hair and nervously makes his way over to the refrigerator.

"Your mom is taking a nap, she didn't sleep much last night, and Elio is in my office playing videogames."

Taking a seat on one of the barstools at the island, I watch him shuffle through the fridge before pulling out what looks like Chinese and Diet Dr. Pepper, my favorites. It's like he can't resist twisting the knife deeper into my heart.

"Mace, why are you doing this? Why are you making this harder?"

His jaw sets, and he thins his lips before turning back to the fridge to grab a beer.

"Look, Gigi, I know last night was shit timing to lay everything on you, but it didn't make any of what I said less true. This right now is me being what I've always been: comforting."

I watch as he pops the top on his beer and takes a long swig. Once his eyes return to mine, I give him a sympathetic smile. I love Mason, I truly do, but I love August more. I hate that it has come to this. The last thing I want is to lose Mason, especially now.

"Mason, you know what we were was so much more. I'm sorry for the role I've played recently, but I think you knew what you were doing."

Setting down his beer, he leans on the island, and I watch as his ripped arms flex as he grips the edges.

"Gigi, you're right. I waited too long, and that's on me. It wasn't until the night I picked you up at Reds and saw the possessive scowl on August's face that I realized I might lose you. In less than one day, he saw what I've known for the past nine years: that you are a rare treasure. I'm not perfect, I'm far from it, and you know it. But, none of it matters now, you made your choice, and now I have to live with it."

When he's done speaking, our eyes stay locked, both of us frozen in the finality of his words. There is really nothing more to say on the matter, as harsh as that might sound. As much as I wish he’d own his own ugly, he won’t. He’s only ever showed me the side of him that he wanted me to see. I just wish he knew that I loved him anyway.

The silence is broken by a loud pounding on the door.

"Gigi, go to my office," he clips out before heading to the door. I watch as he peers through the peephole and reaches behind his back to clutch a gun he has tucked in on his lower back.

"Mason, what the fuck is that? Why do you have a gun?"

He turns, giving me an aggravated glare.

"Why do you think I have a gun, Gigi? Protection."