Page 15 of Say It's Me

Right now, I can't help but feel like Julia Roberts inPretty Woman. Some exuberantly rich man whisking her away on his private plane. Of course, I knew August had money, but not this kind of money. It is intimidating. I could never give him anything that he doesn't already have. He can have anything or anyone he wants, and apparently, that's me.

Checking my insecurities at the door, I tell myself I'm not going to hold back anymore. I'm going to open up, and stop pushing him away. That means I can't let my self-doubt creep in and steal my happiness. He must feel my unease because he squeezes my hand and gives me a supportive smile before pulling me up the stairs.

Once we board the plane, I'm rendered speechless. The interior is so luxurious. Big, creamy white captain's chairs line the sides of the cabin with dark mahogany wood tables and trim. There's clearly a bedroom toward the back as the door is ajar, and I can see a bed. This is so much more than I ever thought I'd experience. A few short months ago, I was homeless, and now I'm riding on a private plane with my boyfriend. I give myself a minute to let that last part sink in.August is my boyfriend, oh my god, August is my boyfriend!

I slip my hand from his and take a seat on one of the plush cream-colored leather captain seats. This is all so overwhelming, and I can feel my heartrate increasing as a wave of nausea takes over.Oh no, I'm going to pass out.

I drop my head between my legs, which is the last thing I should do, but it's all I can manage. I need to lay flat, but it's too late. The last thing I hear is August curse, and then I'm out.

WhenIwakeup,I'm lying on a bed with a cold towel on my head in a private cabin. August has his back to me, grabbing something from the counter. When he turns around, he notices that my eyes are open, and he rushes over.

"Baby, seriously, we need to get you to a doctor or something. It can't be normal to have these episodes." He sits on the bed next to me, pulling my hand to his lips and kissing my fingers. I can tell he has been beside himself.

"I'm sorry, I haven't eaten since the afternoon, and then everything was just so overwhelming. Do you have orange juice?" Reaching over to the nightstand beside me, he hands me an orange juice with a straw. The fact that he remembered what I would need when I woke up makes my stomach flutter. The last time I passed out, Mason was there to tell him what to do, but this time was all him. He listened, and now he's taking care of me. I drink all of my juice before he hands me a cookie. I give him a shy smile and say, "Thanks."

"What exactly triggers these spells? You said it's blood sugar-related, but just now, you said you were overwhelmed."Damn it.

I hadn't meant to say those words out loud. Then, taking a breath, I remind myself,no running.

"It's always the blood sugar that's the main cause. The rest is on me. If I don't let my blood sugar get too low, then I can handle normal highs and lows associated with stress, but when I forget to eat, my body can't adapt. I'm sorry."

He leans in and kisses my cheek. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm just trying to understand." Why does he have to be so sweet, so perfect?

"August, you live a very different life than anything I've ever experienced. I was literally homeless a few months ago. Apart from today's outfit, you're always so refined, polished, and cultivated, and for a moment, I forgot about that other side of you. Let's just say stepping on this plane reminded me quickly just how unsophisticated I am."

His eyes frantically search mine before he takes my face in his hands.

"Baby, I don't see you as unsophisticated at all. You fit perfectly into my world because you're not from it. I want real, genuine, and authentic. You are all the things that can't be bought. Every man at that fundraiser wanted you on their arm and not just because you're gorgeous on the outside. You are beautiful from the inside out, not tainted by greed, materialism, or envy. I don't plan on giving up my money, I rather enjoy having it, but if me wearing sweatpants every day makes you feel comfortable and happy, I'll gladly do it. I'm not going to let anything keep me from having all I ever wanted.

I swear my ovaries are weeping right now. He's searching my face for a reaction, but all I can do is stare at every flawless feature of his. His hair is messy and unkempt, yet sexy as hell, which is absurdly frustrating. The facial hair that I'm sure isn't being purposefully grown only makes him more handsome if that's even possible. Then to top it off, his hopeful hazel eyes are locked on mine, patiently waiting to see how his confession affects me.

Reaching up, I grab the neck of his hoodie and pull him in to kiss me because there are no words that can express how I feel. When our lips collide, and my tongue swipes up against his, I'm falling, and I don't care if I ever get back up. I've never had someone want me with as much passion and desire as August.

Breaking our kiss, I grab his chin to keep him from pulling away.

"Let me show you how much you mean to me."

He closes his eyes, our lips centimeters apart. "Baby, I want that so much. You have no idea, but I have to let the pilots know we're ready to take off."

"Oh, I didn't realize we hadn't taken off." I flush with embarrassment at the fact everyone is waiting on me.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. When you passed out, I told them we couldn't leave until I knew you were okay. I wasn't going to be stuck in the air with a medical emergency."

I nod and let him leave. Once he's gone, I take a minute to look around, and that's when I spot a charcuterie board on the table by the window. Quickly I walk over and start shoveling the delicious meats and cheeses into my mouth before looking for a bathroom. I need to freshen up. I'm sure I look like hell after being on the beach all day and then passing out.

Looking over my shoulder, I notice a small door on the other side of the bed and figure that must be it. When I open it, I'm shocked to find an actual full-sized bathroom. I was totally expecting the standard closet-sized bathroom that commercial planes have. Looking in the mirror, I notice my hair is an absolute disaster from blowing in the wind all day, my skin is heated from the sun, and my mascara is smudged.

Quickly I grab a towel and wash my face. As much as I want makeup on while I'm trying to seduce my man there is no salvaging what's left on my face. The cool water on my face feels so refreshing. It's been a long day, and I didn't realize how drained I was. Once I finish with my face, I re-dampen the towel and start running it over my arms, stomach, and down my legs to wake me up.

My whole body breaks out in goosebumps from the chill, but before I can stand back up, August clutches me by my hips and thrusts his erection against my ass. When I stand up, his hands caress my stomach before sliding up my abdomen and seizing both my tits in his greedy hands. When I look in the mirror and catch sight of him behind me, squeezing my breasts, kissing my neck, and worshiping my body like I'm a fucking goddess, I almost come on the spot from the visual.

His eyes meet mine in the mirror, and he whispers into my neck, "See how good we look together, baby?" I nod in agreement, and he smiles. "Do you like watching me touch you?" I swallow what little salvia I have left in my mouth and nod again. That's when he releases one of my breasts to pull the swimsuit ties at my neck and back. My breasts are now entirely bared to him, my nipples fully erect and begging for his touch.

Placing a kiss on my shoulder, he drags his fingers down my back before coming around to my front and dropping to his knees. My eyes are glued to the mirror as I watch him trail kisses down my stomach before unbuttoning my jean skirt and pulling it down my legs. I'm now standing in nothing but my bikini bottoms.

My breasts are heavy, my core is throbbing, and I'm aching for release. I've been practically begging for it since I touched him on the beach earlier. If I'm honest, I've been craving his touch all week. I've missed the way he makes me feel, how he looks at me, and how he touches me. Then it hits me—he’s stopped touching me. Dragging my eyes away from the mirror, I look down and find him sitting on his haunches, smiling up at me with amusement.

Then I'm mad. He's supposed to be touching me.