Page 48 of Say It's Me

That day when he finally broke the silence and said, “Son, look at me.” I’ll never forget the look in his eye when I did. It was filled with sadness, remorse, and anger.

“August, you know I think you’re making the wrong decision with this, and your mother and I can’t help but believe this is due to Gianna’s influence. You met some girl from the wrong side of town with no family values or moral compass, and now suddenly, you want to leave behind a legacy that’s been yours since the day you were born. This is why your mother and I pushed you to date girls that came from the same—”

I don’t even let him finish his sentence. There was no way I would sit around and let him bad-mouth the woman I love. She was my future, and if he wanted to be a part of it, he would need to show some respect.

“Dad, let me stop you right there. This decision was in the making long before Gianna came into the picture. I literally just finished explaining that to you, but you chose to hear what you want, like always. What I want never mattered. Reds isn’t my legacy. It’s yours. I stayed for you, but now I’m choosing me. You don’t need to understand my decisions, you just need to come to terms with the fact that they are mine to make, not yours. If you want to be part of my life, you need to accept that she is part of it. If you took the time to learn anything about her or us, you would know she fought my advances at every turn. Everything I endured was of my own doing and not because I was under the influence of a piece of ‘hot ass pussy.’”

A few weeks prior, I wouldn’t have used that type of vulgar language around my father, but after hearing the words he used on Gigi at the hospital, I had zero qualms about parroting them. From the scowl on his face, I knew he hated that he had lost his cool that day in the hospital.

As he sat across the table from me, rubbing his jaw and contemplating his next words, he couldn’t keep the look of utter disdain off his face. The man is savvy as hell when it comes to business. Of course, any other man sitting across the table from him would assume he was deep in thought, but I had no doubt he was spinning his next words, which is why when he finally chose them, I got up and left.

“August, I won’t stand in your way if this is what you want.”

It would have appeared that he was swallowing his hate, but because he’s my dad, I knew they were a dismissal. I hadn’t gone to that lunch seeking his approval, so the fact that I didn’t get it hadn’t fazed me at all.

By the end of lunch, I felt like a new man. I finally left Reds and got out from under my dad’s thumb. The love of an incredible woman awaited me at home, and I finally felt the freedom to do as I pleased. But, ever since that day, I’ve had one thing on my mind, and that was making Gigi irrevocably mine.

Sittinghereinthehot tub with Gigi on my lap, I’ve just confessed my deepest desire that I’ve carried with me since the first time I had her. I was going to make her mine. She would be my last, she just didn’t know it. Society would say we’re too young to get married or we haven’t been dating long enough, but I’ve never been one to embrace social norms, and I’m so done with waiting. However, now that the words are out of my mouth, I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Gigi looks completely caught off guard and maybe even uncomfortable, and the thought that she might say no is suffocating.

“August, what are you saying? Are you asking me to marry you?” She twists on my lap like she’s trying to get free, but I don’t budge. I can’t let her go.Wait, what did she just say?

“What? Yes, baby, I’m asking you to marry me. Isn’t that what I just said?” I’m so nervous I can’t even think straight.Shit, the ring.

Reaching over to the ice bucket, I grab the engagement ring—probably should have led with that. I flip the lid open and ask, “Gigi, will you please make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?”

Her hands fly up to her mouth as she stares at the ring, and I can’t help but feel like I need to throw disclaimers her way to make sure I haven’t scared her off.

“I know you’re young, and maybe this is too much too soon, but we can have a long engagement, years if you want.” She shakes her head no, and my heart drops.

“August, no, I don’t need a long engagement, and I don’t need more time to know that you’re the man I want to grow old with. So my answer is yes, I want to be your wife.”

Immediately, I stand up and spin her around in my arms before setting her on the edge of the hot tub and putting the three-carrot cushion cut solitaire on her finger.

“I just have one question.”

I look up at her, overwhelmed with bliss.“Anything, ask me anything.”

“Why the hot tub?”

It takes me a second to follow her line of thought.“Why did I propose in the hot tub?” She nods her head, yes, and I smirk.

“When we officially moved in together, this was the first thing we talked about buying. We researched it together, chose it together, and bought it together. I thought about doing some sort of grand gesture in front of our family and friends, but when I thought about it, it wasn’t us. Maybe it seems juvenile proposing in a hot tub, but when I thought about how this was our first big purchase and project as a couple, it felt right. After this, we went on to decorate the formal dining room, guest bedrooms and design a garden. It only made sense to me that I would propose in the spot where it all began. Where we started to build our world together.”

Her eyes are glassy with unshed tears, and her silence is killing me.

“August, you have no idea how happy you make me. All of what you said about my age and our short courtship is true, but I don’t need more time to tell me what my heart has always known. You are my twin flame. We are two parts of the same whole, you are the yin to my yang, and I believe I was always meant to find you. The intensity I felt for you from day one was intimidating and terrifying, but I was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. I couldn’t stay away because you were always meant to be my home. I love you with everything I am.”

I don’t waste another second pulling her into me. Covering her mouth with my own, I relish in the way her soft lips feel pressed against mine, the way the luscious curves of her body mold against the hard planes of my own. Her body beckons me, and I’ll be damned if I don’t give her what she needs.

Pulling back, our breaths mingle as we pant. Her hand slides up to the nape of my neck, where she combs her fingers around the hairs at the base before she says, “It’s always been you.”

“I’m taking you to bed, wife.” I playfully bite her bottom lip as I hoist her into my arms and step us out of the hot tub.

“I’m not your wife yet. You better keep playing your cards right.”

I can’t help but laugh. That smart mouth gets her in trouble weekly.“That mouth just earned you a good pounding.” When I finally reach the master, I throw her down on the bed and her eyes widen with anticipation. I swear I think she mouths off just to get fucked hard.