Page 37 of Say It's Me

"She had a stack of papers with her that she was going to threaten you to sign by using me as bait to force your hand. Fortunately, she's not very good at tying knots, and I was able to escape out the bedroom window. I was climbing down the gutter when your boyfriend showed up and saved me. He pushed a trash can under me, breaking my fall."

"Oh my god, Lo." I pull him into my arms. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea that she would ever do something like this." I really am stunned. Maria was a terrible mother, but I never thought she had such malice running through her veins.

"I'm just glad I was able to save you Gigi. She planned on killing you regardless."

Vivian and Ethan are watching me hold Elio with both shock and fascination written all over their faces. I think we are all reeling from the last few weeks' events. All the scandal that has come to light and how deep it ran is staggering.

"Even if you're not my real sister, will you keep me?"

My eyes shoot up to Ethan's because I know he knows something, but he just shakes his head. If he knows something, now is not the time to share, or maybe he's waiting to get the results back. But the results don't matter. Elio will always be mine.

"Lo, blood doesn't make us siblings. Love does, and I will always love you."

"Can we stay at Ethan's place?" His voice has the tiniest bit of excitement at the potential prospect.

When I look at Ethan, he's wearing a shit-eating grin like he just won the battle he's been fighting this entire time. Then, he strolls over to the bed and says, "I had a feeling I was going to like you," right before he rubs Elio’s head.

"There is no way in hell you are staying at Ethan's place." August walks in wearing what appear to be hospital scrubs while gripping a cane. While his walk is slow, his stature is still every bit as commanding and powerful as it's always been.

"They'll be coming home with me tonight."

"August, you are in no condition to leave the hospital. You can't be serious." I frustratedly chime in. He needs to stay in here.”

"Gianna, if you think for one minute I went through all this bullshit just to let you walk out of this hospital without me, then you really have no idea how I feel about you. I said all I needed to say to my parents. You matter to me, you're important to me, and wherever you are is where I want to be."

I'm off the cot before the last word leaves his mouth, throwing my arms around him and kissing his perfect lips. Ethan coughs right before Vivian says, "Gigi, your gown."

August curses before closing my robe behind me and saying, "Gianna, if you don't have clothes, I'll have a nurse grab scrubs." I don't miss the irritation in his voice.

Ethan moves toward the door. "I'll go track some down. As nice as that ass is, I definitely don't need to keep seeing it." Luckily, he ducks out before August has a chance to respond.

August brings his hand up to cup my face before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and saying, "You're coming home with me, where you belong. Elio can have whatever room he wants and we’ll figure the rest out later."

I nod in agreement and place another chaste kiss on his mouth. With his body pressed against mine, I feel a quiver run down his torso.

"August, come on, you need to sit. Stop trying to save me and be some macho badass. I'm not some damsel in distress. Believe it or not, I am quite capable of taking care of myself. I've managed the past eighteen years without you." I start walking him over to the cot to sit.

"First of all, I am a macho badass, and I wouldn't be down here shaking with weakness if I wasn't chasing my hard-headed girlfriend who refused to stay by my side."

"Wow, I never pegged you as the gaslighting type." I tease.

"I'm not above begging at this point if that's what it takes." He grabs me by my waist and pulls me between his legs before laying his head on my stomach. I'm rubbing my hands through his hair, wondering how I got so lucky in finding him. His devotion has never wavered. Time and time again, he has proven my past doesn't matter.

Looking up, I make eye contact with Vivian, who has been sitting across the room texting away on her phone most of the day. Which, come to think of it, is very peculiar. She's not one to keep her head buried in her phone. In fact, most of the time, she can't remember where she left it. I raise a brow at her in question. I'm about to ask what she is so consumed with, but Ethan returns.

"Got the scrubs. Now, if you could go put these bad boys on, we can hit the road.”

“Ethan, Elio and I are staying with August. As much as I appreciate your generosity—"

“Gianna, let me stop you right there. While I understand that you guys have seen me as a threat for the past few weeks, that is no longer the case. Technically, it never really was. I already explained all that to you, but look, Eduard is on the run, and I think his vendetta with you might be personal now."

In my gut, I think I know what he is saying without actually speaking the words. I think he believes Elio might be Eduard's.

"Gigi, what if I tag along tonight? Elio, would you like that, if I go with you to August's place?" Vivian takes a break from her texting to throw her hat in for a sleepover. Now I really know something is going on for her to invite herself over.

Ethan rocks back on his heels like he just got an idea. Then, taking a cue from Vivian he adds, "Well, then I'll come too! Just like the old days, right August?"

I can tell August isn't happy about everyone inviting themselves. This means it's the perfect time for me to duck out. I snatch the scrubs out of Ethan's hand before walking toward the bathroom and throwing over my shoulder, "You guys work it out while I change."