Page 25 of Say It's Me

Her eyes meet mine, and I can see that my words made her feel better. A long minute passes, and I'm still sitting there, stuck in a trance that is all things her. Finally, dropping our hands, she pulls me out and says, "You're the one who said we don't have time for extracurriculars this morning, so I'm not sure why you're still staring at me."

That makes me laugh out loud. Getting off the bed, I head toward the door just as she stands to start looking through the bags. I'm just pulling the door closed when she drops her towel. I can’t help but groan in protest.

Throwing the door wide open, I say, "How the hell do you expect me to walk away when you're standing there looking like a fucking goddess?" Running back over, I tackle her to the bed, sucking her perky tit into my mouth. She's laughing and trying to push me off when my phone rings. Reaching into my back pocket, I grab my phone and answer, keeping her firmly pressed beneath me. "August speaking." I swirl my tongue around her other nipple, teasing her until I hear the lawyer’s voice ring out.

"August, are you by a computer?" Jumping up, I release her and hurriedly walk to my office.

"Yes, John, what's up?"

"Is Gianna with you?"

"Yes, she's with me, John. What's this about?"

"I need her to sign the contract I'm sending over. Technically I will represent her, and the second the news of their arrest breaks, her face will be scattered across the news. I need to be able to speak on her behalf."

I run my hands through my hair. Of course, this is all necessary, but I hadn't thought about how this could or would thrust her into the spotlight.

"John, is there any way we can keep her anonymity?"

"Son, my job is to protect her, but we need to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. Get the contract over to me ASAP and expect arrests to be made by 10 am. The warrants are being expedited by a close friend of mine."

"Thanks, John. I'll send these over as soon as we get off the call."

He hangs up the call just as Gianna walks into my office fully clothed in jeans that look like they were painted on and a long-sleeve white tee.

"Who was that?"

"That was the lawyer I got in touch with last night to help you. Gianna, your dad left you as the sole beneficiary on his stock portfolio when it was set up. Robert Grand and my uncle will be going to federal prison for securities fraud. You will need someone to settle his estate and represent your claims in court. Gianna, I can't make any promises. He's going to try and keep all this private, but sometimes anonymity can't be maintained."

The expression on her face is pensive, so I give her a minute to process while I press print on the documents she needs to sign. The sound of the printer firing up breaks her out of her daze.

Grabbing the papers off the printer, I bring them back over to my desk.

"You need to sign these papers so that John can represent you. Arrests will happen at 10 am."

"Do you trust this John guy?" Her face is full of concern.

"Yes, baby, I trust John. He represented my family back when Alaric embezzled money from Reds."

"Will you read over the paperwork and make sure everything looks okay before I sign it?"

Now her hesitance and look of concern make sense. Giving her a soft smile, I gesture for her to come over and take a seat. Rather than take the chair across from mine, she comes around my desk to sit on my lap, and fuck if my heart doesn’t skip a beat from the tenderness of the action. I bite my lip to stifle the ridiculous smile I’m trying to hold back from the thought of her finding comfort in me, but when she subtly pushes her hair behind her ear and peers over her shoulder at me, I lose it.

“Baby, you have no idea what you do to me.” I pull her against my chest and pepper kisses down her neck. It’s not long before her hand finds the bulge in my pants, and she says, “Oh, but I think I do because you do the exact same thing to me every time I look at you.”

I know I have to stop this before it gets out of hand. We honestly don’t have time for this. I could get lost in this woman for hours, but we need to focus right now. Placing one last chaste kiss on her shoulder, I release her before stilling her palm that’s currently rubbing against my erection. When she groans in protest as I go to stop her, I have to lean my head against her back and dig deep to ignore every desire I have that’s screaming at me to bend her over my desk right now.

Once I’ve regained my self-control, I say, “Gianna, I can promise you that you’re going to be sore tomorrow, but right now, we need to get this paperwork to John.” She lets out a shaky breath before placing her hands flat on the desk. “Okay, then let’s get to it.”

Because nothing is ever that easy with Gianna, I’m skeptical about the sincerity of her willingness to commit to the task at hand. But in true form, she surprises me.

I start reading the document aloud, pausing to explain things when she asks. Once we're done, she signs the paperwork, and loads it back through the scanner sitting on my desk. Immediately I send it over to John, not wanting there to be any reason for delay with everything that’s happening today.

"Thanks for that. I've never had reason to have a lawyer, but I know I shouldn't sign anything I don't understand." I can tell by her timid confession that asking for my help made her feel vulnerable.

"Baby, don't do that. Stop overthinking this. I will help you however you need, but you can do this, Gianna."

Turning, she leans into me and rests her forehead against mine before placing her hand on my cheek. "I can, but it doesn't mean I'm not grateful for you.” I close the mere centimeters between our mouths and take her lips in mine. I’m not sure what today will bring, but as long as she’s mine, that’s all that matters. When I part her lips she eagerly dips her tongue into my mouth and I can feel her beginning to shift in my lap. My girl is greedy, and I fucking love that she can’t get enough of me. I’m just about to stop her once more when she says, “August, please. We can be quick, I promise.” Her eyes frantically search mine, and I can see the blush rising in her cheeks. It makes her nervous asking for what she wants from me. But why?