Page 23 of Say It's Me

"You feel so good, baby." The words spill from my mouth in an adulation unlike any I've ever known. This woman is my world. I've never been more sure of anything in my entire life. I lean down to kiss her, but she turns her mouth away before I can make contact. Forcefully I push into her to bring her eyes back to mine, and she smiles.

"Kiss me, baby." She shakes her head no. Searching her eyes I try to get a read on her emotions.Why doesn't she want to kiss me?

I push in hard again, and she gasps before putting her hand on my cheek and saying. "Thank you for loving me so that I could find the strength to love myself."

I pause for a second at the word love. I haven't said the words 'I love you,' but in so many other ways, I've basically told her as much. There's no question that I do, in fact, love this woman, age and circumstance be damned.

I'm lost in her eyes when she wiggles her hips to remind me to keep moving. I pump into her in long, slow, tantalizing strokes before laying my forehead against hers. Her eyes are locked on mine, and I'm lost in an emerald abyss where I feel like I can sense her soul and all her heart. But even that feeling couldn't prepare me for the words that would come out of those pouty lips on a gasp, "August, I love you."

Momentarily stunned, I continue slowly rocking into her as I pull my head back to refocus my eyes on hers. The way hearing those words makes my chest tighten, I can't be sure that I was truly living before hearing them. It's as if those words from her mouth give my life purpose. I have no words because love doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about this woman. Holding her gaze, all I manage to say is, "Yeah?" She nods, and I pump into her one, two, three more times as her words sink in and free me. I know she's right there with me because I feel her clench around me. Slamming in deep with one last thrust, I fill her up. With our release, I crash my lips to hers in surrender. If there was any doubt before that she was mine, there isn't now. I reluctantly pull my lips from hers and make sure her eyes are on me when I say, "I'm so in love with you, Gianna Moretti."

No more words are spoken before we let sleep take us.

Myalarmgoesoffat 6 am, and I can't help but feel even more exhausted than if I had just stayed awake. Sometimes it’s better to stay up and push through the fatigue, rather than catch a few hours of rest. Looking over to my right, I see that Gianna is still asleep. The alarm didn't even phase her.

We had a significant breakthrough in our relationship last night, and I can't help but feel that things from here on out will be different.

My ego has definitely taken a hit since I met Gianna. I have found myself questioning everything, which is truly out of character. However, I feel you can't help but be somewhat self-conscious when you put your heart on the line hoping the other person reciprocates. Now that we both know where we stand, I think there will be less tension outside of the fucking.

Crawling out of bed, I'm careful not to wake her. She doesn't need to get up quite yet, so I'm going to grab a quick shower and check in with Mason.

When I walk into my master bath, I'm reminded of one of the reasons I love this house: it has a natural stone steam shower. I waste no time getting in.

Letting the scalding hot water fall over my back, I steal a few minutes of peace before I let my mind go over the plan for the day.

During my flight to Florida, I spent most of my time planning and setting our trap. When I learned how Eduard and the Grands were tied to Gianna, I knew I needed to contact my dad's lawyer. Years ago, we had a board member embezzle money from the company and coerce other faculty and a few board members to stay quiet using fear tactics. Ultimately, he was caught and charged with embezzlement and criminal coercion, for which he did seven years.

Robert Grand and Eduard are trying to commit securities fraud, which is punishable under federal laws. If I can get the lawyer all the proof, there is no doubt in my mind that I can have an arrest made by lunch. You have to act fast with this type of fraud, because people like Grand will run. They have the kind of money that can make them disappear. I know that while he may run, he won't hide for long. He likes the spotlight and fame too much, and always has. Money, women, and fame are too high up on his priorities list to stay in hiding.

We must strike today before they have time to follow suit with their plan B.

Ethan knows Carson is dead and that I escaped. The video Mason scrubbed was flawless. He sent it to me on the plane. I'm literally seen leaving the basement and then leaving the property with no lapse in time. I have no reason to be in hiding, so I don't plan to. Over the years, we've pulled some pretty shitty pranks on each other. One time we left Grant tied up to a tree for an entire day for no other reason aside from that, we were high on molly. Over the years, I’ve experimented with the typical drugs most college students frequent to have a good time. Outside of the occasional party, I don’t care to use them. As a med student, Grant never took drugs, so he didn’t find it funny. He didn't talk to us for weeks.

What's going on between Ethan and me runs deeper than that, but I'm hoping he buys my bluff and makes a surprise visit.

I plan to call Grant for an early morning tee-time like nothing is amiss. One thing I can count on is Grant sending Ethan an invite to join us without fail. Countless times I've called Grant when I'm avoiding Ethan, and it's like he plays big brother, not wanting to break up the trifecta, so he calls Ethan and invites him anyway to patch things up.

I'm just getting out of the shower when Gianna walks in wearing my shirt. Why is it so hot when chicks wear guys' shirts? Quickly I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist to distract myself from the direction my thoughts were going.

When I look up, I see that she's watching me with a sexy little smirk on her face. I know exactly what she's thinking.

Crossing the room, I place a chaste kiss on her cheek before slapping her plump ass hard.

"Get in the shower. We don't have time for that look."

I promptly exit the bathroom before I lose my willpower to tell her no. Getting dressed in my own clothes feels like a reward somehow. I spent the past week tied up in the same outfit only to change into another man’s sweatpants. While I wasn’t lying when I told Gigi I would wear sweats for her, I would be if I said I didn’t like to look good, and for me, that’s a good pair of chinos and a polo.

Once I’ve dressed, I head to the kitchen and start up a cup of coffee while dialing Mason. He answers on the first ring.


Who answers the phone that way?

"Were you able to get all the evidence?"

"Yes, I sent it over to the lawyer an hour ago, actually."

"Great, I'll call him up when I hang up with you. I'm going to drop Gianna off at your place in an hour. Will that be a problem?"